in #golf8 years ago

Today i will be talking about the do's and the don't of golf game though it's takes enough time to learn and put it into practice but you need just to adapt with it so as to feel comfortable playing with anyone without distractions....


  1. place at a reasonable pace
  2. repair ball marks, replace divot and rake the bunker
  3. pay attention to the rules as they are laid out and administered by the USGA
  4. let the winner of the previous hole tee off first at the next tee box
  5. take a caddy whenever possible
  6. turn in every score for handicap purpose
    7)respect the rules(local) and regulations of the course you are playing....


1)move or talk while someone in your group is hitting the ball
2)ask your opponent what club he hit
3)hit your shot until the group in front of you is well out of range
4)walk across the line of another player's putt on the green
5)ever play when lightening is in the area
6)hold up other players(no slow play) Golf-for-Beginners-1.jpg


Golf etiquette very important so as not to distract others cause it's a game of mind,fun and gentleman's game...

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