Normalizing pedophilia - Watching child-porn is no biggie!

in #pedophilia5 years ago (edited)

A British think-tank published a report calling for leniency in dealing with ‘first-time offenders’ caught watching child-pornography. Rather then have them prosecuted, the Justice group says pedophiles should be sent to workshops and ‘diversion courses’, whatever that may mean.
The report published today needs to be taken seriously as it comes from what appears to be a well-established ‘human rights organization’ and has the support of Dame Vera Baird, newly-appointed Victims Commissioner. If you’re under the impression that victims in this case refers to the abused children, you’re dead wrong. The authors of this report consider those caught in the act of watching all sorts of child abuse online as the victims!
According to the report:

'For some types of sexual offending, prosecution and prison can be ineffective.’

Why would such approach apply only to pedophiles and not to other sorts of sexual crimes? Why not send ‘first time rapists’ to counselling instead of jail?
It’s not the same thing, you might argue. The rapist actually hurt a woman, whereas the pedophile just had a bit of innocent fun in the privacy of his own home. No one got hurt... except, of course, for the children abused on film for the entertainment of some vile people thousands of miles away.

Sweetie, a computer generated 10-year-old Filipino child who looked very real that as many as 20,000 pedophiles worldwide tried to contact her and made sexual overtones.

If you know you’re going straight to jail (for a long time) if you’re caught with child-pornography, you might consider limiting your online activity. But, if all you risk is a slap on the wrist and some bullshit awareness programs you might risk a bit more - you didn’t get caught last week, why not log in tonight and watch that video with the five-year-old being raped - what I’m trying to say is this lenient approach would only lead to an increase in demand and those who are in this business will oblige and increase their supply, there’s plenty of poor kids out there you can fuck on camera.
According to the report, first-time offenders should be sent to educational programs - I’m sorry, but if you’re legally an adult you’ve already had plenty of time to learn that child-pornography is wrong.
I don’t buy this sort of argument, just as I don’t buy the whole ‘it’s in their nature’ crap. While I do believe there are some unfortunate people who are only attracted to children, I think those are just a tiny minority - the vast majority of those delighting in child-porn are regular assholes looking for something to spice up their miserable lives, looking for some thrill. And there’s a very thin line between watching and trying out for yourself. Fondle a little girl in an elevator, have the your daughter’s best friend touch your penis - just a little bit and of course full-blown rape. Read the newspapers and you’ll find plenty of such cases - do we need even more?
Finally, the reason the think-tank Justice considers small-time kiddie-porn lovers should not face prosecution - the justice system in the UK is overburden with cases and cannot cope anymore.No mention made of all the ‘crimes’ invented in recent years - like policing the Internet for thought-crimes. If you so much as like a tweet saying ‘white people are smarter’ you can expect the police knocking at your door. Or the rise in prosecuting hate-crimes against sexual minorities. Take the case of this woman arrested a few months ago for ‘misgendering’ a transexual on Twitter. Some dude going around in make-up and skirts has every right to be protected against being called John instead of Nancy, that’s not a waste of police time, whereas the child raped in Thailand for entertainment purposes.. well, fuck him!

P.S. - As I was looking for an image for my post, I got to this page of mugshots and cases of busted pedophiles. Take a look at their faces and see if you're inclined to be 'understanding'...

Thanks for reading



The world has gone mad!

Bring back whipping and the rack.

Posted using Partiko Android

Most of the comments I've read mentioned scissors and other sharp objects...

Most of the comments
I've read mentioned scissors and
Other sharp objects...

                 - ladyrebecca

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

All good options.

What creeps me out the most is the sheer amount of men (I know women do it too, but much less) who try it on with children. How many have come to light since the Jimmy Saville fiasco? You don't see pedophilia in any animals except for some primates.

Posted using Partiko Android

Unfortunately, there are also women involved - those who sell their children and I don't think poverty can be used as an excuse... but I've read of women doing horrible things just to please some guy they've met online... very sad species we are.

Given the epidemic we see here in the US with female teachers and their students, it appears to be an epidemic for female perpetrators as well. And not to please a male (scapegoat), but for their own gratification. The idea that females are always the victims is outdated. Sadly, women can be as creepy and abusive of power as men. despite the narrative of sugar and spice.

You're right... women can be and a lot are very nasty, indeed!

If the prisons are full I'm sure there are some mines under the ocean we can find them to work inside. Shocking read @ladyrebecca and how they have the nerve to put their names to things like this is mind-boggling. Progressive thinkers at their worst.

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