The Old City In Dilemma (Ep01-03)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

                                                                                  *How It All Began* 

She rested her arms on the ledge in her balcony, staring vacantly at the noisy city. This was the  first time she had ever been put in such a position. She wrapped her hair around her finger  several times as her mind wondered back and forth. I hate love-triangles, she thought. Then  again this is the first time I’ve ever been in one. I was the go-to girl for relationship advice, even when I had never really been in a relationship. For some reason my friends always turned to me  when they had guy troubles, and now that I have some of my own I can’t find a solution, it’s  pathetic! She was in a bit of a conundrum. She needed to choose between two guys, both of them her  friends. Thankfully they didn’t know one another, so she was spared any awkwardness that may  have occurred if they were all hanging out together. But she still found it to be a rather tricky  situation. One guy she had known for years and she truly liked and knew liked her back. I have  never felt that way before about anyone. Not even my ex; certainly not my ex, she thought. The  other was a good friend, who shamelessly flirted with her, and had no idea she had feelings for  someone else!! 


It’s my fault; I should’ve told him that I already like someone else. I’ll tell him. But what  if… A knock on the door cut off her train of thought. It was the pizza delivery man. 

She handed him the money, took the box, collapsed on the couch and began devouring her delicious pizza.  “What took him so long, I swear I felt I was going to faint,” she said aloud; half to herself  and half to her dog that was resting quietly next to her on the couch.  Pizza was the perfect distraction from her problem. She concentrated on her food and  untangled the dog’s hair as she ran her fingers through it, letting her problem rest at the back of  her head for the time being

                                                                                  *Why Guys Drive Me Crazy* 

After weeks of being in a different time-zone, she was finally able to hear his voice. She was the  first person he called as soon as he landed, that’s what he told her at least. The phone call was  short and to the point, she thought.  “Hey, sweetie I really missed you. I’m sorry I won’t be able to meet you tonight. I  exhausted. But I’ll call you tomorrow, and we can meet then,” he said.  The conversation however couldn’t have been vaguer, a point she didn’t realize until later  the next night. She had a fairly regular day; the only thing that made it seem more than that, was  the idea that she was finally going to see him that night. By the time her phone clock read 17:00,  she had grown restless. She paced nervously around the room, ignoring any call or text from  anyone that wasn’t him. Why hasn’t he called yet? “He said he would call, then he’ll definitely call, right?” she asked her dog, who‘s eyes were  following her around the room. At around 7:00pm, she went from excited to annoyed. “He still hasn’t called!”   She pouted and tapped her nails on the wooden coffee table.  “Should I call him?” she asked her dog again. It stared blankly at her, not comprehending  her agitated state.! 

 “No, I won’t. Maybe his phone isn’t working, or he had to work late tonight.” She checked the time once more, it read 19: 28.  “Why do I always give him excuses? Sometimes I hate myself for doing that.” As she obsessed over the fact that he hasn’t yet called her, she knew in the back of her head  that he won’t and that she was driving herself crazy for no good reason. 

Nevertheless, she kept  on complaining and yelling at her poor defenseless dog, who at that point was more annoyed  with her than she could ever be with anyone. After it had endured her ranting for over two hours,  the dog jumped off the couch and ran inside. That simple act was the only thing that finally shut  her up and put the situation into perspective. Even he can’t stand my whining. What happened to me? When did I start allowing a guy to  drive me mad? “It’s pathetic,” she said to herself in a disgusted tone.  Ashamed of her juvenile and immature behavior, she put the matter to rest and focused on  her work for the remainder of the night

                                                                                  *The Meeting* 

They were finally reunited. A prospect she had been anticipating for weeks. Unfortunately, it  didn’t meet her expectations. She had envisioned a very romantic scenario that, it’s safe to say, didn’t take place. He welcomed her graciously into his arms, and sealed the romantic moment  with a passionate kiss. This gave her hope that the night would go as she had imagined.  

However, that kiss was the only remotely romantic incident that took place all night. 

He escorted her to dinner, where their friends were awaiting their unpunctual arrival. Their friends’ presence, however, acted as a distraction which she had not factored into her plan for t evening. They were able to be alone together among their friends before, but it wasn’t the case  that time. She was exhausted after one of the longest week in history, but fought through it in  order to meet him. After all that effort, they ended up spending no more than forty minutes  together. At the end of the night she finally commented. “I was really looking forward to tonight. It’s a shame we weren’t able to spend more time  together,” she said, trying to hide her frustration as best as she could. “But you seemed to be very tired tonight.” “It’s been a long week,” she sighed. “So, I think I’m just going to call it a night, and head  home.” “As you wish, I’d rather you didn’t though,” “I need to get some sleep, and don’t you have somewhere you need to be?” “I can be a little late.” “You don’t need to be. I’m exhausted, and won’t be much fun anyway. I’ll see you later,” She ended the conversation abruptly.  This night has been longer and more tiresome than my entire week. 

''Watch out for  continuation of this awesome episode''.

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