The red bicycle. My dream come true. When children dream they do so with hope.
Dreams are usually dreams, but they are not so dreams, if dreams are achieved. By. Jose Lanz
At that very moment they are a reality.
My dream achieved.-
Children when they dream.
A dream achieved I am sure it was for wanting it with all my strength, the kind that children have when they dream and want something, like a movie and when that dream is fulfilled in such a strange way one tells it and one cannot even believe Today I remember that and it fills me with joy, as my grandfather said, son, if it is for you, it will be yours, and that is a life lesson that today I instill in my daughters to dream and wish with all their heart and soul that if it is for you it will be yours.
Back in the 80s, I was barely 10 years old, my biological mother with few economic resources, I do not say poor because being poor is what for those who have the mentality of being poor, I prefer to say with few economic resources, having that situation Temporary I just couldn't for anything in the world unless I won the lottery, to buy a bicycle that was what I most wanted.
Everyone had a bicycle.
All my friends from the block all, (There were four hahaha) all had bicycles the only one that did not have was me, however that was not a problem they always looked for me to go out and they never left without me I do not know why but they always looked for me I always had to hang on the tires ha ha or on the steering wheel or I rode the bicycle, with a borrowed bicycle I learned to perform many skills, as children's inventions are often called.
I never lost hope of having my own bicycle, I was saving for that, without losing that dream of having it, at that time in my town in Ciudad Bolívar they were opening a business that I still remember the name was called Diadema and it was on the Orinoco walk.
My mom went shopping with me at that business and for each purchase of a quantity of products, they granted a ticket for a raffle. There were several prizes, but one of them was what she wanted the most, if a red bicycle just how she wanted it.
Reference photo
We bought and filled the tickets were several and I put them in a giant drum that by the way was ful of ticket I am sincere despite the fact that it was ful to the crown I did not lose my hope, however the purchase was made near the month of November, for So I must also say that I had forgotten the raffle for that business. They would hold the raffle in December on December 23 to be more exact.
So, as my grandfather said, if it is yours, it will be yours.
My greatest joy was that on December 23 they called the house by phone and asked to speak to Mrs. Zonia but they identified themselves and I was the one who answered the call from that moment when they said the diadem gave me a shiver and I passed the phone to my mom.
Friends among thousands of thousands of people who left their ticket or several tickets just like us, because I was the winner of the brand new red bicycle 20 rn, that was the greatest joy and I had to go to Look for her on December 24th, in passing, the day of my mom's birthday.
My dream was realized in the most incomprehensible way.
I dream of being a Witness at some point on this platform.
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