WhatsApp and school assignments.

in Project HOPE5 years ago


"Knowledge triangle ”- education, science and technology" Cite

Venezuelans love technology.

In several publications in the written press I have always read that Venezuelans love technology a lot and always want to be up to date on technological matters, that is so true that I always saw that somehow thanks to that, our country managed to emerge and was very high in terms of using the latest technology to hit the market.

At that time, a developing country, we all had access to everything new that could come out in international markets and that the latest generation of technological equipment that could be here in Venezuela was something great.

Currently due to the type of government we have in Venezuela, unfortunately everything related to access to technological advances that may exist has declined, and it affects the country's growth, but also directly a triangle that should not be broken.

Here in Venezuela it is broken.


"Knowledge triangle ”- education, science and technology" Cita

Although the title of my publication has no relation to what was previously written now if I go into that topic.

Children stopped attending schools.

Since the beginning of the confinement or quarantine or whatever they want to call it in other parts of the world, from that moment on, children stopped attending schools to prevent any focus of infection due to covid-19, a virus that still continues to cause much damage to the world population, the Venezuelan population does not escape this terrible situation.

Many alternatives were evaluated.

As the children are in their homes the education should not stop, and many alternatives were evaluated the government applied methods using the channel of the state where I fix hours in the morning to transmit what they say are classes nevertheless I will not speak of those classes since in many cases the teachers who gave some classes using the channel of the state, simply did not give the programmatic compendium as it should be. but that is subject of another publication.

In other cases, the schools, together with the parents, developed other strategies to communicate. One of the first was to interact by e-mail, consisting of sending assignments to the e-mail of the child's father, mother or legal representative.

On one occasion I asked Which company they use to establish an Internet connection. that question is related to the terrible problem we have with respect to the Internet connection, in view of that the way to interact with the emails did not work so it was discarded.

Since the option to use mail did not work, we looked for other alternatives and the one that gave the best results was to use the WhatsApp application.


A smartphone.

In Venezuela 80 percent of the population has a smartphone, some Venezuelans have a low-end cell phone, but that smartphone despite its characteristics allows to install WhatsApp, I repeat is the most used application by Venezuelans.

The application allows for many groups and from there we communicate between parents and teachers to coordinate the different assignments our children have.

I have a ZTE A-510 cell phone which only has 1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory, that cell phone is the one I use to be in contact with my daughter's teacher and also with the parents.

The different assignments.

When the teacher sends the different assignments at that time, I begin to explain to my youngest daughter what she is and how she should do the assignments, many times the teacher sends videos recorded by her or also some audios that help my daughter to have a guide of how she should do her homework.

Once my daughter has finished the assignment sent by the teacher in the group, I must take a picture of the final result of that assignment and then send that picture to her but through a direct chat so I don't have to send it to the group where we are all. That way the teacher can individually grade the assignment and so on, all the assignments that the teacher sends us.

Regarding my eldest daughter is studying 1st year of high school, she does have a used cell phone that belonged to her aunt yuri, and I gave it to her last year, it is also a ZTE-A310 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage.

My oldest daughter is different when it comes to doing her homework. In her first year of high school, she has 11 different subjects in her curriculum, so she has a group created for each subject and in each subject there are 32 young people, but some of the parents also participate in these groups.

However, in order for parents to be informed of what is happening in these subjects, a group was created where only the parents of all these young people are present, so that we can follow what our children are doing and what assignments they have, and in some way exchange opinions regarding the subjects.

Screenshot of my cell phone.

Solving the classes.

WhatsApp has really been very helpful in solving the classes that somehow had to be face-to-face, I am sorry to recognize that despite the great efforts that the teachers make to send the assignments, I am sure that they are not complying with the programmatic content that is established as a minimum to receive a quality education as they had been receiving until the day we were sent home from quarantine.

The next school year will be very different for all students in Venezuela, I assume that for students around the world or in countries where classes were suspended, it is a great challenge for our children but I know that they will again take the reins, I just hope that this virus ends so we can return to normal.

But I have to admit that WhatsApp has been very helpful in helping us deal with the fact that our kids were unable to attend classes, and I sincerely believe that we parents have learned a great lesson.

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Con el apoyo de la familia.

Whatsapp has always been at the forefront of what is communication, I think there are very few other applications that allow us to communicate so easily, and use it as a tool to solve problems like education seems to me very good, parents and teachers have to be in constant communication, because nowadays you do not know if what children are receiving is something of quality.

With respect to the virus, unfortunately it is a matter of months before we are all back on the streets, which is what I believe since it is a virus that will not go away, that will always be with us, so we must learn to live with it and have the appropriate measures, but the most certain thing is that we will all go through this process of infection.


Vaya el venezolano le dio la vuelta a la dificultad escolar, en forma creativa crearon grupos de whatsapp de salones completos, donde se asignaban las tareas, se mantenían contado con maestras y alumnos. Se crearon normas para visualizar mejor y no sobrecargar la plataforma. Claro esto es solo para aquellos niños y padres tenían acceso al internet. Esto es una realidad. Apoyado el toptres del día. @lanzjoseg

 5 years ago 

Siempre el Venezolano estamos en todo lo que se pueda para resolver los problemas que nos atañen.. sin embargo aun están algunos problemas políticos social que no hemos podido solventar.

The use of whatsApp and some other social media related whatsApp such as telegram is really helping most students and teachers in terms of education ever since the beginning of the pandemic period.

Students and tutors are now able to learn and communicate with each other from their comfort zone without stressing themselves. This is really a great development utilizing social media platforms for important benefits.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

 5 years ago 

Thank you for visiting my publication.

Definitely we should all take advantage of the opportunities that communication technology gives us. And if it is for the future of our children, it is clear that we must do it for them.

Para nadie ha sido un secreto que toda estrategia implementada fue un verdadero desastre. Los maestros y profesores triplicaron el trabajo y agotaron sus energías además de las buenas intenciones. Esto a su vez generó otro problema, padres y representantes colapsaron por la cantidad de tareas enviadas por maestros y profesores. Esto a u ves generó oootro conflicto, los estudiantes no colapsaron, decidieron no morir en el intento fallido porque para ellos too ha estado claro desde un principio (año atrás),No es la educación que desean, ni tampoco la que han demandado.

...no están cumpliendo con el contenido programático que se establece como mínimo para recibir una educación de calidad como lo habían estado recibiendo hasta el día en que nos enviaron a casa desde la cuarentena.

¿Cuál será este contenido de caliad del cual habla profe?

...es un gran desafío para nuestros hijos.

Diría más bien un desafía para los padres y representantes, para los profesores y maestros anclados en métodos arcaicos y también para los gobiernos aunque, el nuestro ni lo cuento.

...pero sé que volverán a tomar las riendas...

¿Quién o quienes?*

...WhatsApp ha sido muy útil...

Sin duda, para mi ha sido una gran herramienta, lamentablemente la mera aplicación es nula. Hace falta más para darle mayor utilidad, muy bien lo describe allí en su publicación.

A mi juicio este es un tema bien interesante el cual generaría un gran debate. También creo que quizá sea el momento de poner mayor seriedad al asunto para que de una vez por toda se acepte la concepción de educación que la modernidad reclama.

Gusto en leerlo, interesante su análisis, me llevo varios temas para ampliar. Gracias.

 5 years ago 

Hola @belkisa758 gracias por tu maravilloso comentarios..

¿Cuál será este contenido de caliad del cual habla profe?

Cuando hablo del contenido programático me refiero a que de alguna manera no se esta cumpliendo en su totalidad como cuando lo hacen en el aula de clase. no todos los padres tenemos la pedagogía para impartir clases, claro en mi caso puedo ayudarme sin embargo no es lo mismo darle la clase a un adulto que a un niño con los niños debemos tener mas cuidado.

¿Quién o quienes?*

Cuando digo que es un desafió para lo niños es en el sentido de la mala preparación con la cual tendrán que cursar un nuevo año escolar, al no ir bien preparado sera un gran desafió, claro lo padres debemos estar preparados para eso.

Definitivamente ambos actores, en este caso los niños y los padres deberán tomar las riendas.

Un gran placer que visitaras mi publicación..

Un gran placer contar con su respuesta. Este es un tema para grandes debates. Muchas gracias, saludos cordiales @lanzjoseg

Te apoyo cuando dices: "Pero debo admitir que WhatsApp ha sido muy útil para ayudarnos a lidiar con el hecho de que nuestros hijos no pudieron asistir a clases, ..". Me ha tocado auxiliar a vecinitos con actividades y con el celular para enviar mensajes a los docentes. Se mantienen bien activos los niños. Ayer se fue la electricidad y se pusieron a jugar a la escuelita. Y cuando cantaron el himno del estado Sucre, dije para mi:"belmont, yo no me lo se".
Un abrazo excelente publicación.

 5 years ago 

Tienes mucha razón es de gran ayuda sin embargo debo admitir que me he reído a carcajada por esa frase que estoy citando, sabes siempre la uso para evitar decir una grosería jajajajajajajajaja

"belmont, yo no me lo se".

I really like the idea, watts app is really popular in various countries and I like the fact that parents are also monitoring the group to ensure that children are indeed going through the process of learning.

 5 years ago 

if it should be so, somehow the children should always be under the supervision of us as parents.

Thanks for visiting.

Excelente artículo, @lanzjoseg. Al leerlo me doy cuenta de como se han ido diversificando las estrategias y, whatsapp en verdad ha dado grandes opciones para superar las aulas vacías.
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