How will having a purpose affect my quality of life?

in #purposelast month

What exactly are good, wonderful, and pleasant? Everyone has experienced the pain of being unsure about their life's course. It's an uncomfortable, confusing, even dehumanising feeling.

At such moments, we wonder, "What am I doing?" We wonder, "I have never experienced a moment when I said, 'This is what I have to do,'" as the great stars and leaders describe.

We should truly look at ourselves when we start thinking in this way: what are my expectations, and why am I holding them? Which effect will a purpose have on the quality of my life?


Some of us want to wake up one day and find out by mistake what our life's purpose is.

Some of us, even with a fulfilling work, a major role as a mother, father, husband, friend, or mentor, get angry and even start blaming ourselves for our unhappy lives. Some of us even firmly think that we will never find the meaning of our lives.

Is the way you're falling startling you? Not present was he? Know why, do you? Our parents, family, instructors, and coaches have always emphasised to us the need of discovering the meaning and purpose in life since we were little children.

We have spent the most of our lives hearing successful international leaders describe how they discovered their passions and succeeded.

Our teachers would question us all the time as if knowing what we wanted to be when we grew up would complete us and make our lives happy.

Though we all spend different phases of our lives looking for meaning and purpose, most of us have not yet found what we are looking for, assuming there is something to be found.

We should ask ourselves this: what if the purpose of our existence is to always change rather than to find a certain interest or goal?

Is it not feasible that we are blind to anything right now, rather than constantly looking for the purpose of our life?

As we cultivate mindfulness, we can get to know ourselves better by questioning our motivations and asking ourselves what makes us happy.

We discover attitudes that in this way enable us to participate more fully in our daily activities.

Let us therefore reject the idea that the purpose of our existence is something we have to accomplish or a talent or passion we have to discover. Give up looking for it and focus on who we are right now.

Thinking on the meaning of our lives, our minds always go to the future. We see ourselves beaming, fully engaged in whatever activity at hand, walking with assurance, and feeling calm.

Though this picture is quite seductive, we can only really own it if we accomplish the necessary emotional and mental work right now.

Ultimately, without really maturing and evolving and without making the necessary mental and spiritual sacrifices, we cannot really attain the image we strive to.

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