Food desert That's what the Englishman said after studying

in onionrings4 years ago

There is a funny saying in Britain: "when the clock strikes 4, everything stops for tea". I don't think there's any need for dinner after such a rich three-layer salty spot and dessert.
This method of eating, which was popular among the aristocracy in the 1840s, has many rules. For example, after adding sugar or milk to the tea, the teaspoon should not be stirred in circles, but should be stirred back and forth between 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock.


However, it's not so particular now, and there are some rules that even the British people can't decide for themselves. For example, when they eat traditional English scones, should they put cream or jam first? For this reason, "cream first" and "jam first" have been arguing endlessly.

Although Britain is famous for its exquisite afternoon tea, it still can't get rid of the impression that there are few delicacies in Britain. After all, when it comes to dinner, it depends on solid cooking skills. However, traditional British cuisine is not difficult, there are not many sauces, and there are few styles. In a word, the most successful one is a fish and chips.


But not far away, there are France and Italy, which are very particular about food. This comparison shows what is "food paradise" and "food desert".
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once praised fish and chips as "good friends". The Beatles also made a special album cover of eating fish and chips with relish. This food, which is loved and even proud by the British people, has already become a cultural symbol of Britain.
These days, I read this book with great interest. The author is Kate fox, a British social anthropologist. Although this book belongs to a research report, its writing style is very lively and has aroused heated discussion since its publication.

As for the fact that British food is generally not delicious enough, she analyzes the reasons from the characteristics of British people. She said: "food is really not as important in British life as people in other places. Even Americans, who are generally considered to have little taste in food, are stronger than us because they seem to pay more attention to food.

Even what they call junk food, there are different tastes and combinations, while we are more interested in simple two kinds of food Three kinds of food are as good as they are”We are envious of French cuisine, but we also hate the French's words and deeds which are open and partial to delicious food. In the UK, if people pay close attention to food, it will be regarded as a rather eccentric behavior, even a moral defect by most people. "


"Then why? Because the British people are not willing to show excessive enthusiasm, let alone indulge in desire or sensory stimulation, it may be better for them to make a joke on the bad food than to spend their energy on making a beautiful meal. "

Of course, if you are in London, an international metropolis, you will only feel that you are in a "food paradise", because there are all kinds of delicious exotic dishes, especially Indian food, which has become an indispensable part of British culture.

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