To her, its just a game;Random poetic thoughts

in #poetry8 years ago


All she wanted was to eat him deep
He feigned ignorance and let her in
Right in his house, packs in his hands
Little did she know the game had just begun

On the morrow, she wore her saintly look
Right there at his giggling stare, wondering
Admirers are dying, crushers are crushing,
At the incarnate of a pretentious hook "er"

Just a step out of her secret fun house
She Beheld the shepherd cruised along
Sister titi! Sister titi! He beckoned
Will you be at the GAMES summit, he asked

Her mind processed a gazillion thoughts
Game to her is a cryptic word,
For fun and covert mission of f***ks
Why would the shepherd even care

She snapped out of her transient thought
Opened her mouth to greet in biblical norm
He that was in the fun house is greater than the words coming
He stepped out, bare chested and threw her the wig.