Macrophotography of Small Wild Animals

in Steem Japan2 years ago


Hi steemit friends, wherever you are, hopefully you are always in good health and always smooth in all things and activities, meet me again @lensa-macro, in this amazing Steem Japan community.

As usual, on this occasion I again showed some pictures of animals that I met to all of my friends, as for the animals that I met had the name or designation of crickets, crickets are animals that are closely related to grasshoppers and crickets are also animals that can have a distinctive voice, Besides that, what makes me interested in these crickets is that they have beautiful colors with a combination of two very bright colors, my friend can pay attention and see them clearly in some of the pictures that I have prepared.

As usual, I found the existence of this wild animal in one of the small forests in the North Aceh region of Indonesia and I used my smartphone to capture some pictures of the animals that caught my attention, here are some pictures that we can see together.










That's what I can share on this occasion, I really need advice from all of you, so that in the future it will be even better, I hope you all leave your comments here and thank you to my friends who always support me.

Best regards; @lensa-macro

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 2 years ago 

@lensa-macro さん、こんにちは。

💡 アップボートガイド 💡




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