My Googly-Eyes Contest Entry!

in #googlyprize7 years ago (edited)

Life's been weighing heavy on me over here in Starrlandia as of late...

Mainly due to my Dad's severe health challenges.

I'm really in need of some opportunities for simple fun. So when I saw @fraenk's announcement about the GooglyPrize contest, I decided right away to enter.

It took me a few days to get my little pack of Googly Eyes (75 pairs, 4 sizes, only $2!) but I have them now and I'm ready to put Googly Eyes on all the things!

I wonder if you can enter more than once...

Anyway, here's my first attempt!


I love you, Steemit!

Hi! My name is Leslie Starr O'Hara, but my friends call me Starr. I live in the mountains of North Carolina and I write humor, fiction, musings, and essays here on Steemit.

Upvotes and Resteems are amazing!

And please follow me @lesliestarrohara!



That old phone brings back memories. We have a powder blue rotary dial phone somewhere that we used with MagicJack for a while, but we could only take incoming calls with it. Still, it sounded pretty cool when it rang.

Do you remember when telephone companies advertised the sound quality of their lines? "You can hear a pin drop," and all that? I can't remember the last time I had a cell phone conversation with someone where I didn't need to ask them to repeat themselves a dozen times because the quality was so bad. No wonder we've all switched to texting.

Rotary phones were kind of awesome. They were still somewhat in use when I was a kid, but most people had graduated to button dial corded phones. I think I was about 10 or so when the first cordless phones came out. I remember my grandparents had old rotary phones for me and my cousins to play with when we visited. Good times!

And yes, I do remember the pin drop commercials!

I think that this was also the time when you rented the phone from the phone company instead of every owning it. Although that hasn't really changed. Apple finances a phone over two years knowing it'll be broken just when you're done paying for it!

Follow me, i will follow you too 😊

This is the worst way to get followers. If you want someone to follow you, say something interesting. Start a conversation. If you go on people's posts just to beg for a follow, they're probably going to think you will never write a post worth following.

Hi @lesliestarrohara...

Thanks so much for your entry to the #GooglyPrize.

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