Coffee shop and all kinds of fried noodles
This is a coffee shop that is aware of providing various types of coffee and also provides various types of Mi ranging from chicken noodles fried noodles crab noodles shrimp noodles and various kinds of Mi so that its customers are very happy and comfortable with the variety ranging from coffee to to fried noodles though Therefore from the sale of the owner can earn a lot of profit because the sale in this shop is very salable so that it can meet the daily needs and can get this abundant savings ruah is an owner of this shop is making noodles for its customers who was waiting for the queue behind him so that the customers had to wait for some people first to buy fried noodles because Who first was first to get the value because that's why because it feels so good so the customers have not come down to this shop to buy fried noodles seh the owner can be a more fortunate person.