‘Take a Knee’ – The Ultimate Hypocrisy

in Deep Dives5 years ago

A new ‘action’ takes place in more than 50 cities in the U.S. – city police takes a knee facing protesters… What does it mean?

It has started spreading like a religion that can have different interpretations, but nonetheless, demands obedience without discussion or thinking… Here are a few photos:


Fayetteville, North Carolina…


Escondido, California…

Phoenix, Arizona…

Ferguson, Missouri, where Michael Brown, a Black teen, was killed by police in 2014…

Yes, of course, Minneapolis…

All over America, actually…

Even in Europe. Here is London…

You have to ask a question: What this really means?

Duration: 26:23

Have everybody already forgot that everything started when a policeman in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by the name Derek Chauvin ‘took a knee?’

Repentance? That would take both knees. Solidarity? With whom? Chauvin or Floyd? A knee against racism? Is this an unbearably cruel irony? Or pure mockery? And ultimate hypocrisy?

What is happening with this World?

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Эта клоунада с коленями началась с Украины. Оказалось, этот сценарий хорош и для своих сограждан

Same handwriting, @mister-omortson, all over the World…

I can't reach the point, why should I to be worried about any accident in US. This is their own local business
What a reason to be worried in Belgium, in GB or in Serbia? A cop killed a some jobless american. I don't care. That's not my business

Russia is a great country that can afford a luxury not to care about the internal business of other countries. But U.S.A. is an aspiring Global Empire. Thanks to an enormous destructive power of the U.S.A. smaller countries are forced to be interested in a peaceful resolution there. History tells us that they are very easily diverting their domestic problems into the destruction of a countries all over the World…

We need to keep our identity, culture, history. Otherwise we will disappear in this shit :-(

Именно так.

Unfortunately @mister-omortson, George Floyd was not a "jobless" American. Also you mentioned that you "must keep our culture, identity and history". Is it any less so for George Floyd? Does he, who had a job and had played professional sports for the U.S. deserve any less than you claim? I am not familiar with your culture and will not even try to put into words that which you have undoubtedly, thoughtlessly compared. This is the mindset of totalitarianism that fosters these horrid relationships, EVERYWHERE. "Black Lives Matter" was a movement started because so many "African Americans" were being murdered by white Police Officers across the Country. Perhaps that doesn't mean anything to you, but think how you would feel if ANY police officer was to shoot a member of your family in the back while they had their hands raised. The enforcement mindset is "If they can, so can we" think about it.

Unfortunately @mitch94541 it makes no difference whether George Floyd was unemployed or not, black or yellow. Is it any less so for me? I don,t care! EVERYDay too many Americans (black, white yellow, red and other) are being murdered by american Police Officers (black, white yellow and other) across the Country. I emphasize - the country of a exemplary democracy wich is imposed on the whole world. To kill and shot these are US police practices! Dura lex sed lex. Why should the whole world worry about every American killed by a american policeman? Why? I do not understand.
We are concerned about US military bases. We are worried about the countless American military biolaboratory scattered around the world. We are concerned about the behavior of the American military: first shoot and then figure out what really happened. We are concerned about the desire of the American president to resume nuclear testing. That’s really scary. And you, following the mainstream, are dealing with a bloated problem.

Robbery shops, setting fire to cars, demolition of monuments - it looks disgusting. Тhis is the face of started movement.

You are not familiar with my culture and will not even try. It's great. But for some reason I'm sure you think I must be familiar with your culture. This is the mindset of totalitarianism!

@mister-omortson, Thank you for outlining the discussion. I think the issue with George Floyd wasn't necessarily that he was another "Black Man" murdered by police in the U.S. I think that most of the outrage is from there being a "Public Lynching" that officer Chauvin seemed to enjoy the making of. IMHO I think the world just hit the "boiling Point" with the brutality of the American Police and their tactics of "shooting people in the Back" (no matter the color), breaking into a house with no warrant and killing the person inside or tossing a "Flash/Bang" into a baby crib without looking first. Our police ARE NOT trained in Warfare. They ARE NOT military so why are they better armed and protected than our military? I have a hard time with understanding, personally, the training that goes into being a "police officer", on average 260 hours, as compared to ANY military person who has trained for war, minimum 12 weeks, 10-16 hours a day, EVERY day after throughout their enlistment. Police are trained in "how to make it home at night" not in "psychology", not in "Hostage Negotiations" so why do they always get sent to situations that require negotiations that they are not trained for? They are trained to simply KILL first, then de-escalate, mostly today's "Police Officers" go into their shift scared to death.
My Concern also about "military bases" is that they are, indeed, (what we used to call) "Forward Fire Bases" and not friendly support bases. I worry for all of my friends around the world because of these.
About the "Whole World" caring about our police shootings? That one is a tough think. IMHO it might be that many people of the world feel sympathy for the people here. It is hard to picture a man shooting a child in the back at a playground while playing with a stick by a policeman who is sitting in his car with a label on the door that says "To Protect and Serve" and the shooter not being disciplined.
So, anyway thank you for the question and suggestions, they have me thinking again! You take care and please, don't let me get away with saying blatantly dumb things.

Copaganda by any other name.

This comment is feeling kind of deja vu to me.