Lily's Sensitive Plant: Cool Action Photos, It Closes when You Touch It

in #gardening7 years ago

I've always been fascinated with plants because of plants like venus fly traps and other extraordinary one's out there. It's a part of why I love cacti and succulents so much, I like the stuff that looks weird. So when we were at Home Depot and I spotted a sensitive plant for 10 pesos, I determined to bring it home.

The only possible issue with that plan was that we were traveling on the motorcycle in the rain. But I bagged it carefully and hugged it to me and it made it home fine. I gave it some water and the next morning it looked a lot happier.

And it worked, you touch it and it shrinks away, releasing some of the moisture in it's leaves to protect itself from everything from touch to wind. It's getting a new pot and staying in the kitchen.

It perks back up about an hour after you touch it so long as it has water.

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plants that cover the leaves when touched many types. There is also a putri malu (we said). in addition to closing the leaves, it also has beautiful little flowers.

Is that mimosa hostilis? Google is so damn misleading on the identification of that plant and I just found out today it's a senstive plant.

yes it's mimosa hoslitis.

this plant many kinds. there are thorns and nothing

So cool! I used to have a venus fly trap when I was around 16. If I ever settle in one place again I need to remember to get back to these types of plants. I'm with you: I really get a kick out of the wierd ones.

If I could find a venus fly trap here I'd already own one. I'm sure they're around, I've just not found them yet. I was joking with john about the idea of filling the kitchen with them to get rid of flies forever.

Those are so cool... we used to call them "Sensitive mimosa." They grew wild on the banks of the creek where I lived in Texas... touch them, and they close.

Thats awesome. :)

This is a really cool plant, I saw it once in a plant shop, it's fascinating.

Indeed. I've wanted one for forever, so now I have one :)

Mimosa is such a cool genus. I love the trees and have always gotten a kick out of the moving leaves. Most likely the Mimosa pudica as the probably aren't selling the mimosa hostilis or Mimosa tenuiflora as it is called now.

Is mimosa hostilis a sensitive plant? That grows wild here and I've been working on identifying it.

Not sure if the hostilis does the same with the leaves but I would presume so, though I do know the hostilis is the primary ayahuasca variety. You could always get into selling the root bark for the entheogenic properties... Which is also where you will find more info on the trees, on the entheogen sites.

I have asked someone I know who lives among the Huichol people, so hopefully he can help shed some light on it. I do know it's native to this area and that google shows trees with three different flowers as mimosa hostilis.

I would be interested in at least trying it myself.

Okay that rules, that's the most direct way to find out. The locals usually have an idea but the indigenous people will know for sure.

Thats what I was thinking. I'll know for sure before too long I think. It's only a matter of time. In the meantime, i can go buy a kilo of the root bark for 500 pesos or 25 dollars from the market if I wanna try it :)

There's a killer resale business idea. Setup an OpenBazaar store and list that stuff. Hell you could list all kinds of local goods for resale. On top of all your other projects...

It's in the plans. We are notoriously behind on everything so it just hasn't happened yet.

Those plants grow all over the place in Hawaii. I would always play with them with my kids. Nice post.

P.S. How the solar system going? Have you received any new pieces?

We have I just haven't fully updated. Hint, our internet is now fully off grid as I type. We have power still, but we're working on getting things

I await with bated breath. Hurry up, I'm turning blue. Just kidding. Have a good evening.

My wife used to love this plant. When we were young, she took my to the botanical gardens and she pointed this plant out in particularly. Thanks for bringing back the memory.

Quick nugget, she got here degree in plant geneticist.

:O You've never told me that :O bring me seeds :O

These plants are so cool! There's a bunch of different sensitive plants at the "butterfly gardens" here, and I loved checking out each one, and seeing how they all react.

As a child we had a Mimosa tree in the front year. I loved that thing. It would get big fluffy balls that were a pink flower. I've got great memories of my Father and I attached to that tree. It was always fun to make the leaves close up.

Then I moved to where I live now and the fields have been taken over with the "sensitive plant", it's an invasive species here. It 's a cool plant but spreads like the dickens. It's less dense in it's foliage than your specimen and it has yellow to orange flowers.

Awsome garden and beautifull nature 💕

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