Inception (2010) - The Shooting Script

in #film5 years ago (edited)


I am more excited about getting a copy of this script than I would have expected.

15 times. If I had to guess, I've seen Inception 15 times. I watched it again last week. The deeper you look, the deeper you see. Nolan is a master on so many fronts. You want action, adventure, sci-fi, romance, drama, humor? It's all here.

You want a master class on motif, color, lighting, editing? It's all here.

This last viewing had me looking at editing and composition more than most other things.

Here we have two characters discuss what will become the most dangerous part of the story, a dance with limbo, not waking up. We don't say it here in the description of the scene, but we do lean in, both characters, one after another, the characters themselves creating a tighter shot, a more dramatic composition. The captain and the chemist.


Just one interesting note from my first look over. It's underscored with italics.
"A powerful sedative."

Be well.
(images and words are original.)

Posted using!


I still haven't seen this movie but - who knows - I might still be dreaming or be awake and have watched it in a dream one day ;>)

True, could be a viewing you're forgetting from the non-dream world.

I would have to suggest putting it near the top of your list, be this dream or reality. I still can't believe this movie was conceived and produced.