Day 906: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: demon| Demonio

He was beautiful, I saw him from a distance and he seemed like an angel, in my imagination I could visualize his wings, he seduced me in such a way that I started a long conversation with him, he told me everything that had happened to him, some not very clean moves that he had made, his look was clean, pure sincere, but at times he wanted to transform himself. He invited me to dance, I told him only one piece since I was waiting for a client for a business meeting. His hands were like burning smut. He finished the piece and walked away, I didn't see him again all afternoon.
Era hermoso, lo vi desde la distancia y me pareció un ángel, en mi imaginación pude visualizar sus alas, me sedujo de tal manera que entable una larga conversación con él, me contó todo lo que había pasado sus fallas,algunas jugadas no muy limpias que había realizado, su mirada era limpia, pura sincera, pero de momentos se quería como transformar. Me invitó a bailar, le dije que solo una pieza ya que estaba esperando a un cliente para una reunión de negocio. Sus manos eran como tizones ardiendo. Terminó la pieza y se alejó, no volví a verlo en toda la tarde.
They put on some old music, a little old, but the lyrics said something like this: "your eyes are black, like the dark night, I tremble alone when I see you, look of madness... devil". In one of those my new friend was dancing with a girl, they were very enthusiastic, between laughs he told me: -much pleasure I am the devil-, so they know me in the underworld.
Colocaron una música de esas de antaño, algo vieja, pero movida la letra decía algo así: "tienes los ojos negros, como la noche oscura, yo tiemblo solo al verlo, mirada de locura... diablo" seguía sonando la música llegó el cliente, la reunión se prolongó. En una de esas mi nuevo amigo estaba bailando con una chica, estaban bien entusiasmados, entre risas me dijo: -mucho gusto soy el demonio, así me conocen en los bajos fondos-.
I thanked once again all the prayers of my loved ones and mine every morning, every night in time and untimely. On those full moon days anything can happen. No wonder the smell of sulphur I didn't understand, as that gentleman was talking. I knew that he did not always present himself as he is, sometimes he appears blond, with blue eyes, even with the latest model car and many cards.
Agradecí una vez más todas las oraciones de mis seres queridos y las mías cada mañana , cada noche a tiempo y destiempo. En esos días de luna llena cualquier cosa puede suceder. Con razón el olor a azufre que no entendía, al estar hablando ese señor. Ya sabía que no siempre se presentaba como es, a veces aparece rubio, con ojos azules, hasta con carro último modelo y con muchas tarjetas.

Thanks to all the 5 minutes team, in all their presentations, they are wonderful, it is of great value and motivation to tell in these moments of their initiatives: @mariannewest, @latino.romano, @isgledysduarte.
Gracias a todo el equipo de 5 minutos, en todas sus presentaciones, son maravillosos, es de gran valor y motivación contar en estos momentos de sus iniciativas: @mariannewest, @latino.romano, @isgledysduarte.

I always love your stories! I tried to skim this one and it drew me right in anyway.
Smut hands, the guys with smut hands always bring trouble.
I'm here to deliver the Tuesday prompt so please write us another!
Hello @owasco my internet does not help much, thanks for motivating my work with your comments, for sure tomorrow I will upload today's spoon over fire. I already have the first part ready. A hug. There are demons men and also ladies.
smelling sulphur is never a good sign!!!