Process not product
In both the chats I had today I referenced thinking about process not products in order to keep creative work going. I couldn't remember in the moment where I'd seen this but now I realise it's part of Austin Kleon's current work under the guise of "Forget the noun, do the verb".
It also reminds me of what Lynda Barry says about drawings being a place for an experience to happen (which is how we feel it as children) rather than a thing to hang on the wall and for people to decide whether it's good or bad. The page is somewhere to do something and then you can just walk away. And art is the by-product of you being in that space, having that sort of experience.
And so in that spirit, forgetting trying to "make some art" or do anything original or "the best thing ever!", but simply have an experience among the pebbles and shells of Brighton beach and enjoy that, I did the verb: "collect white things and put them together" until the incoming tide was licking at the soles of my feet and then I just got up and walked away.
Love it. Love it. Love it. @lloyddavis.
The product is pretty good aswell.
I had a similar creation I made with my grandson but I can't find the photograph. 😢
Never mind though. The process was fun!
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