Many Crypto Referral Programs in 2020 Just Aren’t Worth It

in #crypto4 years ago


When you ask people how to make money within the cryptocurrency market the go-to response will typically be either cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency investing, or cryptocurrency mining.

However a larger number of crypto enthusiasts than ever are creating revenue streams by becoming professional crypto affiliates and using a range of different affiliate programs from cryptocurrency platforms in order to generate a living income.

However what many are beginning to notice in 2020 is that although there are a wide range of different referral programs available in the cryptocurrency market, that a majority of these referral programs provide limited rewards for excessive amounts of effort.

While some users are happy to spend large amounts of time working within referral programs in order to only generate a small amount of income, many other affiliates in the crypto space are dissatisfied with many of the programs that are available, and are looking for better opportunities to generate more money with cryptocurrency referrals.

This guide breaks down the current state of affairs for the cryptocurrency affiliate market, takes a look at this problem in greater depth, and also looks at a solution that many crypto affiliates are using today.

Expending a Lot of Effort and Time, Getting Low Rewards


One of the traps that many cryptocurrency users experience when they decide to try to get into cryptocurrency affiliate marketing is that they expect that the programs that they sign up for will deliver significant amounts of revenue and will allow them to make it their full-time mode of income generation.

Unfortunately for many, this is often far from the truth and the structure of the referral program seems significantly better than it is in reality, and only leads to the expenditure of a significant amount of time for relatively low pay.

Until relatively recently there have been a limited number of cryptocurrency referral programs available, and this has meant that there have not been many opportunities for users in this situation to be able to seek out more profitable ways to generate revenue with affiliate marketing in the cryptocurrency space.

It’s Worth Searching Further Afield for Better Referral Programs

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Recently however there has been the introduction of a newer generation of cryptocurrency referral program that provide advance reward systems, and that provide more of the revenue generated by affiliates to them as rewards.

Unlike the kinds of affiliate programs that have long been a part of the cryptocurrency industry, these new kinds of cryptocurrency affiliate programs provide unique and creative ways for affiliates to maximize the profit they can generate in the cryptocurrency industry.

PrimeXBT in particular is one trading platform that provides a unique referral program where affiliates are able to generate unprecedented levels of revenue from the same activities that they have conducted with other platforms for much lesser amounts of rewards.

4-Tiers are Better than 1

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Most referral programs in the cryptocurrency space are based solely on direct referrals, being that the only way that an affiliate can generate money is from the people that directly see the referral link and use it in order to sign up for a platform.

While this has been a long accepted but substandard way of making money for affiliates in the cryptocurrency market for a long time, PrimeXBT has released a referral program that substantially magnifies the profit that is generated from affiliate activities by allowing traders to earn not just from direct referrals, but from referrals that are 4 levels deep of indirect connection.

What this means is that if an affiliate refers a trader to PrimeXBT, they generate money from their activities, but then if the person that they refer then also refers somebody else to PrimeXBT, then the original affiliate generates income from their activities also, and this continues 4 levels deep.

Obviously the revenues that could be generated from PrimeXBT’s 4-tier referral program are massively higher than that of other direct-referral-only programs, and this is evident from the top 3 affiliates at PrimeXBT generating more than $1 million in affiliate revenue in 2019.

Other Benefits at PrimeXBT


PrimeXBT not only provides a unique 4-tier referral program for affiliates to maximize their profit in the cryptocurrency industry, but also provides a range of other benefits and ways that cryptocurrency enthusiasts can earn a living and maximize their profits.

For a start, PrimeXBT provides the lowest trading fees of any major cryptocurrency trading platform in the industry with a flat rate of 0.05% applied to all trades, and this being up to 10 times lower than the trading fees of other major trading platforms.

As well as this, PrimeXBT provides industry-leading leverage on a range of cryptoassets that include BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, and EOS, with up to 100X being available on all cryptoassets on the platform..

Also as well as providing ways for crypto users to generate higher amounts of revenue and profit, PrimeXBT also protects the assets of users on the platform using bank-grade security measures including cold storage of digital assets with multi-signature technology and hardware security modules with rating of FIPS PUB 140-2 Level 3 or higher.

In Conclusion: A Better Kind of Crypto Referral Program

In the cryptocurrency industry, cryptocurrency affiliate revenue has long been one of the major ways that users can generate an income, not by directly engaging with the cryptocurrency market, but by introducing new users to the variety of platforms that are available in the cryptocurrency industry.

For a number of affiliates however it is a shock to realize how low the revenue is that they earn for their efforts, and as a result of this many affiliates have long searched for a better alternative in order to be able to increase the revenue.

PrimeXBT provides the leading cryptocurrency affiliate program, where affiliates receive income from their direct referrals as with any other normal referral program, but also uniquely receive affiliate revenue from up to 4 tier of indirect referrals as well.

To learn more about PrimeXBT‘s 4-tier referral program, or to learn more about the site in general, check out this link.

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SBD 2.90