#AIR-CLINIC WRITING CONTEST 16:Stress, The Quest To Make Ends Meet!

in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

According to the topic given this week, I will like to relate this topic to a story that happens long time ago


Joshua and his wife have three young children, all under the age of seven. There’s a four-month-old baby in the house and they have just one income - so making ends meet isn’t always straightforward. It’s a challenging situation and a stressful one.

It would be nice to have a financial plan in place before kids come along to deal with changes, the reality of the situation and unforeseen circumstances often mean many people are left simply reacting to each challenge as it comes their way. This is the exact situation Joshua and his wife found themselves in when their first baby arrived seven years ago, in their case, employment uncertainty played a large part in their decision making process.


Joshua landed work again, but the juggling act continued and by the time their second child arrived, the couple decided that the uninsulated rental they were living in was simply too cold and draughty for a young family to stay healthy and they needed somewhere better to live.

Joshua’s wife took some short term work that fitted in around their life to help pay for a better rental. In the end, the couple say they ended up paying roughly a third more each week in rent alone, but knew it was worth it for the sake of having a warm, dry home for themselves and the kids.

Eventually, the quest to make ends meet lead Joshua to seek a new, better paying line of work as they searched for that elusive state of financial equilibrium.

After both Joshua and his wife spent a couple of years doing what they needed to get by in terms of employment, Joshua had finally settled into a job that paid more - with a third child arriving on the scene, this was more important than ever.

During all these circumstances, Joshua has taken different jobs, and his family are now debt free and with a little bit of money in the bank, they've moved to Northern part of the Country where Joshua’s wife is from.

WORD COUNT:-345 words

Thanks to @airclinic for this week contest


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