Mathematics of Christ for success
"Arriving, Jesus saw a great crowd, he had compassion on her and healed his sick people." When evening came, the disciples came to Jesus and said to him, "The place is deserted, and the hour is long past; So they went to the villages and bought what they had to eat. "Jesus said to them," We must not retreat, but give them yourselves to eat. "But they replied," We have here only five loaves and two fishes. He said, "Bring him in." And having ordered the crowd to sit on the grass, taking the five loaves of bread and the two fish, raising their eyes to heaven, he blessed them, and then, starting with the loaves, he gave them to the disciples. To the crowds they all ate and were satisfied, and of the pieces that remained, they still took twelve baskets full, and those who ate were about five thousand men,
How can he, with just five loaves and two fish, Jesus feed so many people?
Can we apply in our lives the mathematics of the miracle that Jesus applied in our day?
We must learn with Jesus how to operate miracles in our lives, let's see:
DOMINATE THE HYPOCRISY. Jesus begins the mathematics of the miracle by applying the subtraction. "In the evening, the disciples came to Jesus and said to him," The place is deserted, and the time is early, so bid farewell to the multitudes, so that, going through the villages, they may buy for themselves what they eat "(Verse 15).
The disciples were not worried about the crowd. They seemed to be sympathetic to that town, but the act of wanting to dispense them shows that they were not even there, before they were more concerned with them than with the people.
John the Baptist had been killed by the king. The death of the prophet brought much fear and astonishment to the disciples. The disciples feared that something bad could happen to them as well, because some of them were disciples of John the Baptist. In the vision of the disciples it was necessary to get rid of that crowd. The crowd draws attention, and worst of all, a hungry crowd. The disciples knew very well the reaction of their people when they wanted something, then a tumult could easily happen, and if that happened, they would be held responsible, concludes that: John the Baptist had been killed, then all his followers could also be killed as well. They needed to solve the problem quickly, looking for their own interests. Jesus did not "swallow" that he speaks and says "Do not retreat, give them yourselves to eat" (Verse 16).
There is no possibility of miracles while there is hypocrisy. Many live denying that there is no time to work in the Work of God, because work or even study takes almost all the time. But the mask of the hypocrisy of these people falls when something that interests him comes up (a grill, a soccer game, a courtship, a return to the Shopping, etc.) there he takes time.
"The Lord said: Because this people comes to me and with their lips and with their lips honors me, but their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is not taught by the commandment of men, which mechanically learned, I will follow doing marvelous work in the midst of this people, yes, wonderful work and wonder, so that the wisdom of its wise will perish, and the prudence of its prudent will be hidden "(Isaiah 29: 13-14).
This is the true hypocrite who has so much disposition to satisfy the will of the flesh and so little to satisfy the will of the spirit.
Before, he traveled a huge distance to dance a dance or something else, but now he believes that the Church is far away.
He faces any time to play his football or something else, but any rain or belly takes him away from the Church.
He comes tired from work, but he has a disposition to play a ball or do something else that satisfies the will of his flesh, but he can not come to the Church because he is tired, and then he says that it was the Lord who gave him the job.
He spends much of his salary to support his vices, but prefers to rob God by not returning the tithe.
Spend hours on the internet, television, on the wheels of friends, etc. But he finds two hours of worship, and when he passes a little, he claims, fights, threatens to leave the Church.
ADD RESPONSIBILITY The other operation of mathematics is addition.
Jesus was very objective: You are not seeing that these people are hungry: "Give him to eat." The problem with these people is OUR RESPONSIBILITY. Jesus had not realized the miracle of multiplication until we assumed our responsibility.
People who live within the Church and believe that the problem is of the Pastor or the Church, but are completely wrong. If we are united in the body of Christ, the problem is ours. We will assume our position and join together so that we can solve all the problems, no matter who, or for whom.
DIVIDE RESOURCES. "But they said, We have here only five loaves and two fishes." Then he said, "Bring him in." And, having commanded the crowd to sit on the grass, taking the five loaves and the two fish, raising their eyes to heaven, He blessed them, then, after breaking the loaves, he gave them to the disciples, and they to the crowd "(Matthew 14: 17-19).
Before seeing the multiplication, the disciples had to place the possible resources in the hands of Jesus and see him splitting (dividing) the bread. Before we see the miracle of multiplication in our lives, we have to do the same. We have to put all our resources in the hands of the Lord. Probably Jesus is going to order you to divide your time, goods and talents, before multiplying them.
"But that following the truth in love, let us grow in everything in that which is the head, Christ, of whom the whole body, well coordinated, and compact by what all the joints, according to the proper cooperation of each member He receives his own place to the building up of himself in love "(Ephesians 4: 15-16).
Multiply. Finally, the Lord begins to multiply. "They all ate and were satisfied, and from the pieces that remained, they still collected twelve baskets full, and those who ate were about five thousand men, without counting the women and children" (Matthew 14: 20-21).
This operation is not the man who does. It's Jesus. When the man is with his heart turned towards the Lord, without reservations. The proof that man has his heart oriented towards God is that he has already performed the first three operations. Jesus does the last: The miracle of multiplication in the spiritual world is impossible for man, but possible for God. So it was with the widow (1 Kings 17: 8-24); It was like this with the people of Israel in the desert; It was like that with the buns and the little fish, and it will be like that with us. It will not be missing, neither for you nor for anyone. The resources of the disciples were insufficient even for themselves, but in the hands of Jesus, they multiplied and the whole world was satiated and there were still 12 baskets.
So, dear brothers, let us conclude this subject, knowing that we must: Reduce hypocrisy (until we end it). Take responsibility (the problem is ours). Divide resources (time, goods and talents). And believe in this word: It is not going to to miss neither for you nor for anyone, because Jesus is going to multiply.
Let us use as a church the mathematics of Christ to expand successfully to Telos, in unity, believing that the achievement of this expansion is the cause of each one, that nothing will be lacking and that we will do it.
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Excellent messsge sister lorennys, a very practical illustration to debate the word of God soundly.
Resteem by: EC
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