Markets Everywhere in MELTDOWN - Should You Panic Sell Your Crypto?

in Threespeak5 years ago

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Financial markets around the world have been in free fall over the past few days.

With talk of the world falling into a global depression, I thought it would be worth addressing whether now is a good time to sell your cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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The weather looks quite bad where you are!

Crypto is sound money, FIAT is not - it's that quite simply.

Cash, FIAT, is so important - why?

The weather has been terrible for weeks!!!

Much like the stock market!

This is coming to a store near you

A global depression may be worsened by unplanned internet outage, making it impossible or inconvenient to use digital currencies. As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, people will have no choice but to resort to their local communities to conduct their daily routines. This will imply a surge in the use of cash or even bartering in commerce.

Keep crypto sell stocks.

Na, just keep stackin’ on but you still need tons of cash for the huge pullbacks 😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

Stackin by name, stackin by nature 😄

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