Steem Nigeria Weekly Contest: why I prefer steemit above other blockchain blogging sites || organised by @hopeofgod

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago


Hello everyone, how was your day, or how is your day going. I hope it the best day for you as it a good day for me. Today I want to participate in the steem Nigeria weekly contest, and this time with a very good topic that will excite anyone.

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There are several reasons why I like steemit to other block chain platform.


steemit idea is that ‘your voice/idea is worth something' get creative and get paid. Be it a newcomer or an old member, there is no discrimination in payment, if that’s the right word to use. Another reason why I prefer steemit is the fact that I get to receive three token just for a post. I get to receive steem, steem backed dollars (SBDs) and tron(trx).

In publishox, the new users are literary tippers of dust values of token available in the block chain. Only old members have the opportunity to earn as they are most likely authors who accumulate the tips from enthusiastic new members. You cannot be an author or publish any post on publishox if you have not sent them a letter of application to be an author. So if you don’t have any previous post on any other block chain, you might not be granted the right of an author… in other ways if you want to start a block chain based blogging platform, steemit is your best choice not publishox


security is one of the assurance every one need so as to be comfortable with a platform. I have used, publish0x and none of them have the kind of security the steemit platform runs on. Only blurt have the same pattern which they practically copied from steemit. The steemit platform has 4(four) password which have different functions, which simply means that a steemit account cannot be compromised


Community is an avenue to belong to a gathering of like minds and country so you can get help in a language you can understand. You ask question and get answers, but in publish0x, there is no community. It every man to him self. So if you don’t have an idea of anything, either you send a mail to their support or just chill..

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There are other aspect of steemit that outshines their rest block chain blogging platform. E.g having the opportunity to talk to the organization representative without sending a mail, when you make a comment there is every chance you will get paid for it. But in publish0x, it was stated that comments will earn you nothing… the aspects of external platform like steemauto. It helps to keep you active even when you are not. It helps to vote, which means passive earning, it helps to claim rewards and other amazing stuffs.

Steemit for sure is the best option for everyone

On this note I would like to end this post. Thank you all for reading through and please don’t copy my work or use my ideas.


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STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.031
BTC 67879.12
ETH 3787.66
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.46