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in #ooxcuc2wq5 years ago


"【連載:発掘!スマホゲーム】 星の数ほどあるスマホゲームの中から、話題になっているもの、気になったもの、何か面白そう、そんなタイトルをひたすらご紹介していきます! 今回ご紹介するのは『ナオシーノ!』です。 発掘!スマホゲーム連載一覧 『ナオシーノ!』はG.Gearより配信中のパズルゲーム。画面中央のイメージ画像を参考に、ボロボロになった建物を元どおりに修復しましょう。"


Windows 10、WSL 2でLinux GUIアプリとGPUコンピューティングをサポートへ

" マイクロソフトが、開発者向けのデジタルMicrosoft Build 2020イベントにて、Windows10上で動作するLinuxサブシステムWindows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)バージョン2で、完全なLinuxカーネルを提供するとともに、Linux GUIのサポートを追加すると発表しました。これはX Window"


Spotify snags Joe Rogan's podcast as its latest exclusive

" Spotify has added another major podcast to its audio war chest: The Joe Rogan Experience. On September 1st, the show will arrive on Spotify for the first time, with all users (including those on the free tier) having access to the full JRE archive. At some po…"


2010年5月20日、IEEE802.11nに対応したSDカード「Eye-Fi X2」が発売されました:今日は何の日?

" デジカメにWi-Fiが標準搭載される前に登場し、写真を手軽にアップロード・コピーできることから人気となったのがEye-Fi。このWi-FiをIEEE802.11gから11nへと高速化し、さらに転送速度も向上させたのが、「Eye-Fi X2」シリーズでした。 このWi-Fi搭載SDカードの新モデルが登場したのが、2010年の今日です。"


Tom Hanks WWII movie 'Greyhound' will premiere on Apple TV+

" Tom Hanks is joining the ranks of stars premiering movies on streaming services during the pandemic, but he’s not going to one of the usual outlets. Deadline reports that Hanks is premiering his WWII naval drama Greyhound on Apple TV+, making it Appl..."


Ukraine catches hacker who tried to sell 773 million stolen email addresses

"Ukrainian officials detained the hacker, known as Sanix, who tried to sell a database with 773 million email addresses and 21 million unique passwords."


Walmart is shutting down Jet

" Nearly four years after it acquired the company for $3 billion, Walmart is shutting down Jet.com. The retailer quietly announced the move, which was spotted by TechCrunch, in its first-quarter 2020 earnings report. Walmart bought the online-only mark..."


Jaguar ends I-Pace electric race series due to COVID-19

" Jaguar’s electric racing series has come to an end two years after it began. The automaker is shutting down (via The Verge) the I-Pace eTrophy at the end of the 2019-2020 season after having “reviewed [its] strategy” in light of the COVID-19 pandemic..."


Facebook's new shopping AI knows what exactly you're looking for

" Finding fashion that suits your style can be a challenge even when done in person at a brick-and-mortar store. Add to that the vagaries of online commerce, where you can only see a stock representation of what you want, can make for a frustrating, an..."


‘Mafia II’ and ‘Mafia III’ Definitive Editions are available today

" Fans of 2K Games’ Mafia series will have a lot of content to revisit over the next several months. After teasing an announcement last week (not to mention details and photos being leaked), the company has released “Definitive Editions” of Mafia II an..."

