New Lucyd FAQ! July 2nd

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Hey everyone! We have some really cool stuff coming up in the near future and decided that the best way to handle all of it would be to put out a new mini-FAQ for you guys to read.

Read it and let us know if you have any more questions!

Where is Lucyd based?

Lucyd was founded in 2017 in Singapore. We selected Singapore because it is a global financial center, a popular hub for blockchain projects, and because Lucyd aims to be an international retailer of advanced eyewear.

In 2017 The World Economic forum rated Singapore among the top three countries in the world in terms of global competitiveness. Our SG base has made it easier to connect with international communities, particularly in East & Southeast Asia, where AR enjoys great popularity.

Click here to read more.

What is Lucyd’s mission?

Our goal is to upgrade your eyewear! We’re building an online optics store where you can find the best high tech glasses, including lines developed by Lucyd and from our partners.

The Lucyd eShop is slated to launch at July 31st, and will start by offering technologically advanced glasses, including a bone conduction audio smartglass called Lucyd LOUD ®. We want to offer comfortable, functioning glasses, but with new, useful features to enhance the visual experience.

In addition to prescription smartglasses, we plan to offer fashion-forward glasses with unique design features, such as a line of nearly indestructible frames. We are building a customer-focused shopping experience, that includes the option to consult with an eye doctor for free, and be the first place in the world to purchase Rx eyewear with bitcoin and ether.
What can you tell us about the development of the Lucyd Lens AR smartglass?

We can’t say too much here as the development program is very private, but we believe we are on schedule to deliver a wireless AR smartglass in Q1 2019 to our beta program participants. One thing we can say is that we believe it will be fun and functional.

What potential does Lucyd see in blockchain technology?

Blockchain is really powerful when combined with AR smartglasses for a number of reasons.

First of all, the ability to rapidly access cryptocurrency info and statistics is a must for people involved in blockchain, from everyone to token traders to core developers. AR has the potential to deliver this info, handsfree, in real-time. This undoubtedly will create a competitive advantage to those who use AR. But in our opinion the biggest two synergies between AR and blockchain are in terms of security and content.

For security, AR smartglasses can bring new security features to crypto transactions, by storing crypto in a prescription glass that can only be used by the owner, by adding security layers like voice enabled passwords, and by using blockchain security apps like Rivetz to quickly secure one’s smartglass.

In the future, when crypto payments may be more widely used in the day to day, initiating transactions from a wearable like smartglasses could be quick and secure. One use Lucyd envisions is vocal token transfers from one smartglass user to another.

In terms of content the potential is huge. Lucyd envisions an open developer ecosystem, where anyone can rapidly create and share AR content, both by porting existing media and apps into AR, and by creating natively in AR interfaces. Blockchain can become the backbone of an AR economy, uniting all the users of a platform on a decentralized network, where content can be freely exchanged peer to peer.

We envision a P2P marketplace for AR content, which could be powered by a simple token. Lucyd created the LCD token with this in mind, and think it may also be useful for introducing new customers of our smartglasses to the blockchain world with token rewards, airdrops and more.

Is Lucyd developing any AR apps?

We are currently developing two unique apps. Our first app is focused on Lucyd LOUD®, and will be called LINK. Its goal is to improve the synergy of wearables and IoT devices. This app is concerned with a wearable future, and making the overall UX of Lucyd smartglasses more convenient and connected.

Lucyd has just filed for its 14th patent for the LINK app. The second is an LCD wallet app for storing and sending our token on various devices.

Finally, where do you see Lucyd in 5–10 years?

We hope to become a successful, global retailer of Rx-friendly, tech/fashion-forward glasses that enhance the visual experience. We have also discovered an immense interest at the core of AR and blockchain and hope to combine and leverage these two fascinating emerging technologies.

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