Snapchat Unlocks Augmented Reality Targeted Advertising Capabilities For Brands

in #future6 years ago

It’s hard to talk about augmented reality without bringing up major names like Google Glass, Pokemon Go and yes, even Snapchat.

The Venice Beach startup has had a rocky start with augmented reality. Their first generation sunglasses-mounted HD camera, the Snapchat Spectacles, failed spectacularly. And while their second generation model may be a slight improvement over the first, it doesn’t seem to be enough to tempt users to make a $150 purchase.

Still, that doesn’t seem to have stopped Snapchat from diving headfirst into augmented reality applications.

Most recently, the company has unlocked Snappables — augmented reality games — for advertisers. Big names have lined up to take advantage of the new advertising options: Bud Light, Candy Crush, and even Dunkin Donuts to name a few.

Much like advertising on Facebook and Google, the best part about Snapchat’s new advertising options is its options for customization. Advertisers can choose to filter ads by household income, parental status and age. How they come across this data from just a user’s Snapchat account is anyone’s guess.

But advertisers are not likely to care about HOW they have access to this information, only that they do.

Perhaps most interesting is that Snapchat will offer 500 pre-set audiences for advertisers to choose from. Anyone who has set up an online advertising account with a social media network knows the tedium involved in painstakingly selecting each demographic. This could be an interesting development for advertising platforms that we may see adopted on other networks as well, dependent on its success with Snapchat.

And while here at Lucyd we fully believe in the power of augmented and virtual reality to reshape the future of the human landscape, we’re fully aware of the fact that advertising is what makes the world go ‘round. Without money from brands supporting networks and content mediums, we wouldn’t have the multitude of entertainment options that we do today.

As for how this will impact the augmented reality industry in the near future, we will just have to wait and see.

What do you think about Snapchat’s latest options for advertisers to take advantage of augmented reality? Let us know in a comment!


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  2. LCD tokens will be used as the rewards points for the eShop, in addition to previously planned utilities in P2P token transfers between smartglasses.

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  4. We are on schedule to deliver the beta Lucyd Lens AR smartglass early next year. Remember, you will need to have purchased 5000 LCD during the ICO to participate in the beta.

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