Brigadier Steve and General Mickey have a chat.....ulog#10

in #blog6 years ago

With a sigh of relief, the Brigadier finally saw the Divisional headquarters come into view.

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While only a couple of miles from his own headquarters, Brigadier Steve felt like he'd been walking for days.
Time had seemed to become spongy, and he no longer had any real concept of what the actual time of day it was, although judging by the sun he reckoned it was midday- ish.
Give or take 5 hours.

He dropped the carcass.
He wasn't too sure now, as to why he had even bothered carrying it, it was only a squirrel. 'A squirrel that had been giving me hassle', he reminded himself.

The delivery of six .45 lead presents had soon shut him up though. At the time, he felt that he really needed to take the very 'mouthy' squirrel along it with him. For some reason.
He remembered that at the time, it made total sense.
He was going to make a medal out of him, but now he couldn't - for the life of him - think why that seemed like a good idea...

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The General was on the porch of the requisitioned house, watching him approach.

" Goodday, brigadier,", Said the general, all beard and cigar " Bin expectin' you.."

" Here I am, Sir," Said the Brigadier.
"Tell me , son, " Said General Mickey " Why you bin carrying a dead squirrel with ya?"
"Sir, " Said Brigadier Steve, "... I wish I could tell you, I really do. Things have been mighty confusin' today."

"You ain't bin eating those 'shrooms have ya's,?", Laughed the General.
He'd heard a few natives in these parts had been having some fun at his soldiers expense.

"NO SIR!" replied Brigadier Steve, " I can vouch for that, all I've had to eat this morning was an omelette made by our cook... Awww shit!," Said the brigadier, thinking back. "It was a 'shroom and tomato omelette. ...That explains a lot."

The General invited him onto the veranda for some coffee. Strong coffee. He needed his officers without any hallucinations for this next few days.
Coffee, and then some more coffee, would to the trick.
The brigadier hesitated as he came closer to the house.
"Summat wrong?" General Mickey said , following his officers gaze upwards..

"No sir,'s fine...." Said Brig Steve, uncertainty in his voice.

"..Sure bout that?" Said Gen Mickey.

"Yes, quite sure, General." He said, still looking up as he approached the house.
"General.... did you know you had a gigantic beetle on your roof ?...."

The General burst out laughing..." C'mon Brigadier, let's get you some coffee.."

"No, Sir , I'm serious!" Yelled Brigadier Steve. 'Should I shoot it', He thought to himself?

"Course you are, son, course you are..." Chuckled His Commanding officer..

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did you have an invasion of the battlefield? lol