U.S. Troubles With China & Russia As Donald Trump Fake Wrestles With CNN.. 🙄

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

~>U.S. Troubles With China/Russia As Donald Trump Fake Wrestles With CNN<~

Welcome back beautiful, amazing in touch with your chakras,

third eye woke,

human beings to the show!

In this report, I talk about Trump's CNN victimization war, the latest troubles between China and the United States, Qatar ignoring Saudi Arabia's threats, and most importantly- an update on the big brother police state that is engulfing all of our freedoms.

The latest distraction that everyone is paying attention to is Trump's latest tweet from Saturday which includes a video of him pummeling a CNN logo at a boxing ring. It has 300 thousand+ re-tweets and half a million likes!

Personally, I think this is both great and horrible at the same time. Deep down I think CNN was celebrating when this tweet came out, but publicly, the media is having a meltdown over it. They are saying that this is inciting violence against them, and they are playing the victim card.

With both sides in hypocrisy- fighting over who is worse.. I feel this is bad for political discourse in this country, although it is quite entertaining watching them both try to destroy each other.

Deep down I kind of like seeing this comedy show, however, it's a big distraction from the real issues that affect us all.

Now for some real news!

First off, Zerohedge.com informed us that Trump called China over the situation in North Korea, and instead he received a clear rebuke from China's President to abide by Washington's decade old "one-China" policy during the call "as tensions between the two countries resurfaced over Taiwan, disputes in the South China Sea and how to handle North Korea's nuclear weapons program."

We have seen Donald Trump capitulate to the Chinese.. during his election campaign he called them a currency manipulator ( which he later took back )

He is now getting flack from the Chinese for placing an American guided-missile destroyer near the man-made Chinese islands. The Chinese Foreign Minister stated that U.S. behavior "violated the Chinese law, and relevant international law infringed upon China's sovereignty, disrupted peace, security, and order..." and called it a "provocation."

Now in other horrible situations around the world, we have Qatar. Qatar is a small country in the middle east, wherein Saudi Arabia has placed a series of strong 'demands' on that country and cut them off diplomatically, politically, and closed the land border.

Qatar responded and stated they would not accept that list of 'demands.' Saudi Arabia responded saying we will give you two more days to accept them or else. We still don't know what the 'else' is, we have seen Qatar move toward a closer alliance with Turkey and Iran.

Another demand that Saudi Arabia has placed on Qatar is a demand that they end the media organization Al Jazeera, as well as stop supporting Hama and the Muslim Brotherhood. These 'demands' work toward the benefit of Israel, who have aligned themselves with Saudi Arabia. We will be paying attention to this on our YouTube channel.

Now in other related, oh crap, there is more trouble in the Middle East news, the Syrians are warning of a response if they are attacked once more, that they and their allies will respond. Those allies are China, Russia, and Iran.

In other Syrian news, the United States Secretary of State, Tillerson will let Russia decide the fate of Bashar Al Assad. Donald Trump's official policy seems to be pushing for regime change in Syria and Yemen.

Even the U.K.'s 'The Independent' came out and said that "The U.S. seems keener to strike at Syria's Assad then it does to destroy ISIS", which is refreshing to see a mainstream media source say something that we have been talking about for weeks.

Russia declared today that it’s "Patience is running out" over the election hacking sanctions. They are referring to the supposed Russian collusion in the U.S. 2016 Presidential elections. The story came out right after the elections, stating that 17 of the United States Intelligence Agencies had confirmed this collusion. This was a strong talking point by the mainstream media, which has now crumbled.

Real alternative media are now vindicated, as this story has been retracted, for being fake news. I hope this puts the nail in the coffin for this conspiracy theory, and that we can get down to the real issues.

In other losing your freedoms news, we have a story from Indiana where an entire family was kidnapped and caged for using a tiny amount of marijuana, to treat "gastroparesis."

If this story tells you anything, it shows you how far the state will go, just for ingesting a plant to help you with a medical condition, you can be automatically be thrown in jail. One reason for bringing up this story is the current Attorney Jeff Sessions is target medical marijuana users, citing a 'historic drug epidemic.'

In more, out-of-control government news, an Amish farmer has just been sentenced to six years in prison for failing to label products he was selling, not seeking proper FDA approval. Luke points out that he is Amish, he doesn't have time to figure out the bureaucracy, and now he is going to have to sit in jail for six years. A prison system which already has the biggest population of prisoners, more than any other country in the world.

In other, big government, police state, Gestapo news, we have Germany now raiding the homes of 36 Facebook users over posts they made, including searches and interrogations. These individuals are accused of "hate speech," most of whom are politically motivated, "right-wingers," only two of which were "left-wing extremists."

"The still high incidence of punishable hate postings shows a need for police action," said Holger Munch, president of the Federal Criminal Police Office. "Our free society must not allow a climate of fear, threat, criminal violence, and violence either on the street or the internet."

There seems to be a general trend of left-leaning governments to push for complete control and suppression of free speech. I may be generalizing, but these stories are very troublesome, considering the ramifications and the precedents that they set,
we see the continued erosion of individual freedom.

So that is the world we are living in, I hope you all enjoyed this positive, upbeat news broadcast. If you do enjoy it, please support us on Patreon and subscribe to our YouTube channel and be sure to check out our website at WeAreChange.org

Tomorrow I will be making my way to Europe for live coverage of the G20 meetings; please keep an eye out for more independent media coverage coming soon.

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SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange


Lets just get some tax reform complete please.

I often follow this international news, I do not want to blame the country, but the ruler and the people in his circle who have the ambition to achieve certain intentions by way of justifying all means.I feel money is not a priority for them, they spend money, but there Covert intentions, we must recognize that all countries have an interest, but not by destroying another country, what is their main and purpose ..? Only they and god know.thanks.

I am not from the USA, but I imagine.. How do the people of the United States feel seeing his president doing this? o.O

I think these are scary times to be an American, and I know that, as a US citizen, I am in no position to make myself the victim as there are others around the world living in worse conditions while I am privileged to have what should be considered a great life, but at times ungrateful. BUT with everything that is happening on a geopolitical level the US has been the bad guy for a long time because of the actions of a few at the top that represent the country but everyone at the bottom will be taking the blame for the actions of the few that acted without our knowledge or wiling/honest consent.

But another thing I'm more concerned with is the state of the US Economy. One would hope they were wrong but we're in a scenario where we have reached a point of no return, but I agree with those that are outspoken of the house of cards that we accept as our Economy. I could try explaining the ideas why the US economy will crash but I'm not an expert and would highly recommend checking out Jeff Berwick's steemit page (@dollarvigilante) as I believe he has a great perspective on the state of the US economy.

Also. I don't believe those out of the US are as safe as one would think from the impending US market crash as it has a huge global influence on the worldwide market as a whole and any country that uses a fiat currency is subject to crashing.


Your stuff is great and I want to thank you for what you do. I love your daily recap videos and it's what influences my perspective the most in regards to what is happening on a global scale as I'm often mostly focused on my own little world (which was a skewed perspective as I ingest not much, if not, barely any MM and was slightly influenced by left-siding coworkers that abhor Trump). Keep up the good fight and be confident in that you have a following!

Peace and Love

Even if trump isn't anti-establishment I think he has the potential to bring down the entire system by default.. especially when the USD tanks (and it will) I think trump will be the fallguy for that and there will be an uprising either way.

In other news, the economy in the United States is soaring to highs never seen, jobs never before seen, and optimism that gives people the ability to work with security. People have the unfortunate ability to turn a blind eye to life's toughest problems during good times.

Donald did it, he's turning the presidency into a reality tv show

Trump is gonna mess around and have to U.S nuked! RIP United States of America.

i love to here different opinions on conspiracy theories keep up the great work

how the can the media be held to the same Standards and the POTUS. if that was the case the Media should run the country not him.

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