Spend Your Thoughts Wisely

in #psychology6 years ago

I'd like to share some very important information with you at this very important time. Our evolution is imminent and you feel it in the world with the crisis we're facing, especially the debt crisis which is manifesting all around the world at this very moment.

Why is this relevant? Because there is a biological awareness and important understanding for self-awareness and self-teaching that comes out of the worlds financial crisis.

Very simply this. Money is equivalent to energy. You can buy energy with your money. The significance of that is if you're frugal and take care of your money and keep a balance then you always have this energy in your bank account. Energy in which you can live.

I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too. --Steve Martin

However, obviously, if you waste this energy then you actually interfere with your own survival, So, you don't really want to go out and just throw away your money. This an important insight into the nature of our own health and biology and the world we create in this regard.

Our biological system, the cells, rely on energy. Without energy, there's no life. Fundamentally, you have an energy budget that gives you life. In fact, in the body, energy is in coins called ATP, molecules that represent units of energy. Biologists refer to ATP as the "coin of the realm".

The significance of ATP is this. ATP molecules are like units of gasoline, like a gallon of gas, that are used to fuel our biological processes. To stay alive we have to have all this ATP. There's an ATP account in your body right now.

The question is, how do you use this ATP? Here's an important fact. 25% of the total of all the energy in your whole body is used to operate your brain. So, all of a sudden you start to recognize that the brain uses energy at the rate of muscles of a marathon runner. Brain and muscle activity are pretty much the same.

So, why is this important? Because as you're using your brain and using your thinking you are actually using energy. Why is this relevant? The answer is very simply this.

The way we have been using our thoughts are not necessarily productive and sometimes the investments of our thoughts are actually counterproductive because our thoughts create a reality that we then have to overcome. So basically, this shows that we have to become more aware of our thoughts. This is important because thoughts represent units of energy.

“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”

― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Every time you have a thought you use energy. If I gave you a checkbook for your bank account you don't go out on the street and just write checks to people for no reason. You don't just give away your money. You would be frugal and only write checks for the things you need to survive and try to stay in your budget.

Likewise, you have an energy budget in your body and energy is what keeps you alive. When you start using energy and writing checks where you get no return for your energy it's exactly the same as writing checks out of your bank checkbook and giving away your cash. Why this becomes important is this.

The biology of belief reveals how our thoughts create our reality and if you start investing in thoughts that are counterproductive, thoughts like fear or worry, for example; "What am I going to do? How am I going to solve this? What if this goes wrong?", and other thoughts that are negative kinds of thoughts, then realize this.

You are actually not just using your energy for having these thoughts, but these thoughts are also what comes into your reality. What you focus on with your thoughts your brain will manifest as reality.

Ram Dass once said that "Worry is a form of praying for what you don't want. So stop worrying" When you worry you keep in the mind objects that get you nervous and scare you and the more you keep them in your mind the more the mind converts that into reality.

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't.”

― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

The message here is to become energetically frugal with the money in your body. Your thoughts use energy. Your interactions with life use energy. If you want to survive to realize one simple fact and that is this.

Everything you do in your life you put out energy for, therefore, start to review what you're doing in your life. Because of you're putting your energy into things you cannot change in this world that is exactly the same as writing a check and just throwing away your money to the outside world and getting nothing back from it.

So think about what you use your energy for and ask yourself,

"Is the use of this energy going to enhance my life or is it just wasted energy?"

"Am I getting involved in a political argument with people and use all this energy and will I have changed the world?" No.

"Am I going to use all my energy to try to convince other people to change their life or change their way of living to make them even healthier when they are not ready to do that?" I'd be wasting my energy.

“The ancestor of every action is a thought.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

So here's an interesting thought. If I gave you an energy checkbook and asked you to write a check every time you had a thought and you asked yourself is this thought going to enhance my life or is this thought going to take away from my life? You would start to direct your actions where you put your energy into things that enhance your life and give you an opportunity to survive and go beyond survival and really into thriving.

The point is this. We are facing some rough times. The more thoughts you put into the negative aspects, the more thoughts you put into the fear, not only are you just wasting your energy, but these negative thoughts and stresses actually impair your immune system and bring on disease itself.

Think about it this way. You're living on a budget and this budget is what represents our life. Use you budget wisely and put your thoughts, put your energy, put your money behind those things that enhance your personal life and community that you life in and support the evolution that we're going into rather than wasting your energy fighting the old system that's falling apart.

This is your opportunity to get out of that system and build something more sustainable, something we can all live on, something we can all thrive on. I look forward to seeing that each one of us is participating in this evolution and I really wish for all to find the energy to invest in the positive new future and the thoughts that will get us there.

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Your check writing analogy is a good one to help people really think about what they're wasting their energy thinking about ;) I gave up worrying and stressing and negativity years ago because I just knew that I felt better when I stayed positive.

My dad was a farmer, and I have vivid memories of him pacing from window to window in the house, when a big storm was coming. He had a cigarette in one hand and a rye in the other, but I particularly remember this huge vein popping out on the side of his forehead. Of course, his livelihood was at stake, but regardless, I always remember thinking that all of his worrying wasn't going to change the course of weather. Like all of us, I learned from my parents, and from my dad, I learned to worry, but in my 20's I realized the futility in stewing about things we cannot change. Since then, I've spent my life being proactive and focusing on change that is positive whenever I've encountered problems.

Thank you for the thought provoking post; your message is a good one, in life, and on this platform.

Any special plans for Christmas? Although whenever anyone asks me that, I tell them living here is like receiving a daily present ;)

I can relate to worrying about crops when a storm is coming. Been there myself.

It's hard for my friends to believe, but I used to be a chronic worrier. Ten a friend taught me to write down everything I worried about for three months. After the three months passed he asked me to make a check mark next to each worry on my list that actually manifested.

Turns out only 1 out 10 things I had worried about actually happened.

He then told me to remember all the energy I had spent worrying about those things that never came to pass. 90% of what I have worried about didn't happen at all. He then told me to imagine redirecting all that wasted energy towards the 10% of the things that were actually worth worrying about and how much more effective that would be.

That little exercise changed my life forever.

Right now, I'm barely surviving on Steem with the price so low. I'm on the other side of the planet away from home, still in Thailand and going to Vietnam on the 1st. I should be worried and most my friends would understand if I was.

But hell, I'm not going to starve with meals costing only a dollar. Hostels on the beach are only $5/day in Vietnam. I'll be alright. The plan is to dig in and save some money for a flight back to Mexico where I'll find a job again.

Life is good and it all works out. Worrying doesn't really help at all so why do it? Be happy.

That is a great exercise! Funny how making "worry" into something tangible shows how futile it all is! I'm with you though; life always has a way of working itself out :)

Have a Merry Christmas if I don't talk to you before then! Be happy :)

Wise words. It all goes back to our thoughts. Be happy spread positive energy. Thanks for sharing my friend.

Love your username Troy. Very cool.

Very powerful words and much food for thought. More people should look carefully at how they use their energy and their thoughts. The human family need to work together to make the love vibrations help Mother Earth. Sweet Article🙏

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What a great article!! :)

Thanks and Greets from germany :)