I shared some things with you about mustard in Bangladesh.

in Steem For Bangladesh14 days ago

🍁 Assalamualaikum🍁

My Dear Friends,
I am @maashraful from 🇧🇩Bangladesh

Hi friends! Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all? I hope you are well. I am also fine by God's infinite mercy. Today I appear before you like every day. To share about my daily work. I hope you will like it very much.


Our country is Bangladesh. Our country consists of six seasons. Now is the winter season. This is the time when new pitha festivals are held. Because of winter, someone sits with a fire in the middle. And I begin to spend time with you in that winter season.


Now, the most beautiful sight in terms of natural scenery at this time is the mustard flower. And the scenery is the most available from Sarisha's phone. That is honey. Mustard honey is most loved by people. Bees hum and sit on mustard flowers and collect honey.


Mustard borer:

Symptoms: Both adults and juveniles suck sap from mustard leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. High levels of infestation result in stunted flower and fruit growth and curling of leaves. Jab beetles secrete a type of sap that causes sooty mold to grow and the affected areas turn black. Because of this the fruit cannot grow properly, the seeds are small in size. The oil content of the seeds decreases. If attacked at or before fruit set and if remedial measures are not taken, there is a risk of complete crop failure.


  • Early sowing Late part of Ashwin and Mid-Kartik (October) i.e. early sowing of mustard reduces the risk of jab beetle attack.

  • If there are more than 50 insects per plant, Malathion-57 EC or Sumithion-57 EC or Folithion-57 EC or Ecothion-57 EC Diazinon 60 EC should be mixed at the rate of 2 ml per liter of water and applied in the afternoon.


Parasitic plant diseases

Symptoms: Aurobanki is the main parasitic plant of mustard. This parasitic plant connects with the roots of the mustard plant and collects food to survive. This results in weakened, stunted growth and reduced yield in infected mustard plants. Aurobanki is a fertile parasitic plant and depends on the mustard plant for its reproduction. Its seeds remain in the soil. Aurobanki originates and spreads through soil, crop residues, irrigation water etc. Repeated cultivation of mustard family crops on the same land leads to the spread of this parasite.


  • Parasitic plants should be removed from the ground before flowering and destroyed.
  • TSP fertilizer should be used in moderation.
  • First, the land affected by this disease should be cultivated deeply.


Anyway, today I have shared with you about mustard. Hope you like it a lot. Leave me a nice comment with your feedback to try to do better in the next day. And if you support me a little to do what you can to be by my side, I will be helped to go far.


Thanks for sharing your beautiful moment with us. I really enjoyed your post. You wrote very well. All the best
