Myanmar monks and nuns

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago

Hello everybody! Today I will show you the monks and nuns from Myanmar.
There are a lot of Buddhist monks in Myanmar. Many go there because of religion. Another part of the monks become them because of poverty - monks are never hungry. Local residents regularly give them food and money.
The main part of the alms is rice. It is put in such pots.
Begging is a tedious task. Therefore, locals often bring out chairs and give water to the monks.
And this is how the monks go for alms. The road is long, so they have a rest.
The nuns also collect alms. But they have pink clothes.
Everyone tries to give at least a little. This is believed to improve karma.

CameraCanon 60D

I didn't know that there are Buddhist nuns.

I don't know much about Buddhism. Sure, it's present in western societies too, mostly thanks to John Lennon who popularized it in the previous century, but the western version is a bit different than the original. I have a lot of curiosity though, so I envy you that you could meet the real monks and talk with them :) Great job!

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Thanks! I have been to Myanmar 4 times, 3 of them lived part of the time in a meditation center. Someday I will tell you more about this))

I have never been to Myanmar and I always feel unhappy about this fact. Probably, the most preserved country in SEA.

Nice reportage Victoria.

Thanks! Someday you will definitely come there!

 3 years ago 

Impressive, I like to see the happiness in people's faces! :)

Que suerte,tienes al poder conocer a los monjes y ver el verdadero significado de budismo.


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