Achievement 4 by @Mahishines Task : Applying Markdowns"

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone!!!
I hope everyone is doing good.

today I am going to accomplish achievement 4 which has prescribed by honorable @cryptokannon
My achievement 4, after my previous two achievements i.e., My Achievement 1 Post , Achievement 2 Post .
and Achievement 3 Post has been verified by the honorable team of this group.


In this Task, given by @cryptokannon I will show you how to apply markdown to beautify your content.
in this Task, I will cover the following topics
(1) Headings
(2) Bold text
(3) italic
(4) creating tables
(5) Black Quotes
(6) source
(7) aligning images to the left and right.

  • Headings:
    giving heading to your paragraph is very easy. if you want to give the main heading add hashtag before the sentence.

hashtag 1.png
it will show like this:

Heading 1

the number of hashtags is inversely proportional to the size of the headings. for example, as the hashtags increase the font of the heading will decrease.


it will look like this,

Heading 3


  • Bold Markdown:
    when you want to emphasize something important, you can make it bold.
    the process is very simple. just add Estarik (**) at the start and end of the statement.
    for example:


I Love Steemit Platform

  • Italic
    if you want to publish your write-up in italic form. just add an asterisk before and after the sentence or a word.


I Love Steemit Platform

Moreover, if you want to show your content in a bold and italic form then add three asterisks before and after the sentence or a word.


I Love Steemit Platform

4- Black quotes:
when writing an article, we add more information to the content by adding quotes from famous personalities or when summarizing a paragraph, just add > before it.

it will show like this.

you will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated. (Maya Angelou)

  • Creating Tables:
    suppose I want to create tables to make ease for my readers,
    for example:

It will look like this

  • Quoting Source
    plagiarism is forbidden on steemit platform. it is cheating here on this platform. so, if you want to quote a source so if you want to cite other people's work then add the following codes,

it will look like this.

  • Align Images to the Left:
    if you want to Alin image to the left



your write up will show here. this will fancy presentation of your article and more


  • Align to the right:


your write up will show on left side while the picture you posted will be on right side.


This completes my Achievement 4.
I am cordially thankful to @cryptokannon for organizing such tasks

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @mahishines,


You have been successfully verified by amjadsharif, you can further proceed to the next Achievement Task.
I invite you to Complete Your Achievement Tasks

You can also apply for 500 SP Minnow Support Program if your steem power is less than 500SP.

Rate: 3

Greeter Fairy (1).gif

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much brother!!❤️

 3 years ago 

Congratulation @mahishines on completion of achievement 4.
Well written and well explained. You explain all formating styles which we used in daily post. I like table writing approach most.

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir,
I am obliged!!

 3 years ago 

Hi, @mahishines,

Your post has been supported by @tarpan from the Steem Greeter Team.

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