Army of Chickens Invades Sacred Temple Grounds … Chiang Mai, Thailand – Colourful Photography
This colorful throng of chickens seemed quite out of place in the temple grounds.

Fowl invasion
In the center of the temple grounds, a large pedestal was covered with this throng of tiny plaster chickens, along with a few much larger ones. All the inscriptions were in Thai, so I could not discover the reason for this fowl invasion.
Thanks for the food

That was not too hard, but it was odd.
I did a search and found this:
The person who posted it also did not know the why, but he bought a chicken and firecrackers, as he was told he should.
At the bottom of the page are the comments. There an explanation of the tradition is given.
If you want to know the why and ...whatever, click on the link
Wow, thanks. This temple is a small one, tucked away down a sideroad here in Chiang Mai, so I did not even consider that it might be documented on some blog. (Foolish me...)
Great to read this info. Thanks again for doing that research and for providing the link.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing!
Are you in Chiang Mai right now? I'm living here. Want to meet up?
Me too. I'll be meeting up with some of those guys in the next few days. Don't know exactly when yet, but will let you know as soon as we make a date.
Well..., it's Thanksgiving Day today. Maybe instead of turkey they want to use chicken. Lol. Just saying
The provincial symbol of North Thailand is the White Rooster. Also, cock fighting is popular in Thailand.
So, the entire reality we live in is just a short poem, made up of only one-verse? I wonder if anyone has the actual words...
I enjoyed that :) Thanks
Indeed, this is a colourful shot - full of beauty and awe. I perceive that the chickens in this temple are artificial because they are all standing calmly on different micro podiums. The real life chickens are quite unruly.
By the way, I find the title of this post captivating and creative - army of chickens invades sacred temple. It reminds me of another title in your golden hour photography - burning curtain in an evening sky. I hope I get as creative as I read more of these fine words. Selah.
A few of us are going out for drinks for my birthday if you want to come along? We'll be around Loi Kroh and the iron bridge area. Feel free to give me a ring
The original option to say thanks to food for the fact that it saves from hunger.