SEC S17W5: The Diary Game (Date): "The ways of life".

in RECREATIVE STEEMlast month (edited)

Every blessed day we get to spend alive, we should always be grateful to God because not everyone actually have that opportunity that we have to be alive. Today I will be sharing with us my daily diary today and it is really a Great privilege to be participating in Recreative contest about my daily daily. and read through


Morning Activities

Alright starting my day early in the morning by 6am because I actually want to make sure that I get some things achieved which I have been procrastinating for the past few days. So I knew I will really be having a great day ahead.

The first activity I need to attend to is getting my clothes washed which was long due few days ago. I knew I only have the morning to get it washed because after the morning, I might not be able to get it washed any longer in the afternoon due to the sun.





After washing, I need to blend the beans that want to be used to prepare for moi moi. Thanks be to God that there was power supply so I used that opportunity to turn on that blender and use it for the purpose I want to use it for.





Later morning, I have my breakfast which was rice and rice with the moi moi earlier prepared using the blender.



Afternoon Activities

Later in the afternoon, I spend quality time with my family which comprised my father, mother, sister and my nephew and niece at home. We use that opportunity to watch the Nigeria news in order to be familiar with what is happening around the world at that particular time. It was really a wonderful time together because we gist and talked as family. We really quality moments together.




Later on in the afternoon, I helped my mother to print her id card. I need to go to a nearby printing shop. It was done for 1,000 naira which was equivalent to like 2.5 Steem all together. She was glad I was able to make it for her.





Still in the same afternoon, I make my verification post in the scouts community on Steemit. Glad I was able to get verified at the end of the day.



Later in the afternoon, I use the remaining time to spend quality time on Steemit and reply to a whole lot of comments and posts that I need to make because that is because I have been busy all through.

Evening Activities

Later on in the evening, I use that opportunity to explore the beauty of nature in our surrounding and was able to capture quality pcitures. In fact I came across a beautiful yellow flower which I took the picture intending to share with us today.







When I was done, I need to go out to get some biscuits for my nephew for them to eat and as gift also for them. they were really happy and joyful. I can see the happiness on their face.




In the evening, I was craving for fried plantain. So thanks be to God we still have some plantain left in the house that we have not actually made. So I peel it and fry it in order to eat it for the evening food.




Later in the night, I played with editing some pictures as I was learning photo editing. It was really a great time also because gradually I am making movement in learning my photo editing skill I am learning.






After taking my dinner, I was really tired that I just slept off instantly and that brings to a close my daily diary post actually.

I invite @lovelystar , @newekemini5 and @okere-blessing to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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Achievement 1


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Absolutely, you're spot on. Respect for one's own life is extremely crucial, in the light of the facts that everyone may not be blessed with life. It's a great sign for every person to be grateful for all their moments of happiness and being thankful for all the blessings they enjoy.

I must appreciate the fact that you are taking part in the Recreative contest which makes us to appreciate that the ordinary moments of our life at times can be pleasures to behold. It is so much appreciated.

Hola amigo, ¿Como te va? Espero que bien.

Iniciaste la mañana con buena actitud a lavar tu ropa, yo siempre he dicho que lo primero que hay que hacer entre miles de cosas es lavar la ropa que es lo que mas quita tiempo.

Las fotos de las flores estan muy bonitas, la naturaleza siempre nos sorprende con su belleza.

Amigo fue un gusto pasar por aquí y leerte, saludos y mucha suerte.

Hello Dear Friend Greetings!!

I really impressed to see your valuable day spent by doing couple of are very hardworking, dedicated and obligated son of your mother's. It's good to know that you helped mother to find Id Card and spent pleasant time with your family and adorable nephew. Meals are also delicious and photography of yellow flowers are stunning. Wishing you good luck.

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