《Bloody Hell》 - Psychological game playsteemCreated with Sketch.

in onionrings4 years ago


I think I am very similar to that girl, seems to be in a weak position. Actually, she deliberately born in a cannibalism family without eating people or helping others, but also saved a lot of troubles, such as coping with the pressure of survival, not going to work, and not having to marry and love. She said to the man who was bound, I am different from them, they kill, I heal. It was not cure. She didn't really want to escape again and again. She wanted to attract the attention of her family and be a little princess. Because the prince of the family is obviously patty, there is a problem at birth, always occupying all the resources and attention of the family. As the only girl in her family, she should have been a thousand favorite in her own body. She was not willing to, so she staged the treason drama again and again, learning English fantasy to go to the free America. When the United States really came to her (male Lord), she did not save it first, but she had a face of illusion stars, just put the knife on the ground, let the male Lord struggle. She didn't really want to betray her family. She just fantasized over and over again, and did something unusual to win the attention of her parents and elders. Although the concern was locked in a wooden cage, it should be called hunger.

Male Lord, it is worthy of being the male Lord. He played that kind of hero trick, bank robbery, girlfriend left her because the robber hijacked his girlfriend when he said 123 times. He said she was not my one. You count down, I counted down. As a result, the robber encouraged and the robber compromised. But he shot. Girlfriend thinks he is not a qualified boyfriend, but a crazy man who is extremely self-centered. But I admire the determination of the male master to solve the problem. If there is a problem, I can't escape it. No longer want to face the pain, but I can only stand up on the waist and solve the problem. It is always a problem. Only if the problem is solved, can I get the inner peace. The split personality of male owners has always appeared, even before prison, even in their own words. However, the male Lord solved the cannibalism family, and in the paragraph after the woman Lord was rescued, the split male owner did not appear once, indicating that the male Lord was indeed cured. Life may not be money, resources, honor in hand can calm joy, must find a suitable way to enjoy life.


The movie is called bloody hell. In terms of the experience of the male Lord, others are hell, bank robbery and subsequent trial. Obviously, it is the judge of other people who seriously interferes with the life track of the male Lord. Isn't the villain damned? The gangsters are not the first time to commit crimes, and they also like to kill without reason. The so-called law is to set the bottom line of the rules of communication between people in advance. You and I are good for all. But such gangsters, from the perspective of male owners, kill the cleanest. But at that time, he had no empathy ability. He only cared about killing the gangster in front of him, even at the expense of his girlfriend's life. He only saved her objectively, and he didn't want to save her subjectively. In Finland, he could run to the police, but he returned to kill the whole family according to the idea of the female Lord and rescued the female Lord. This is the unity of subjective and objective view to save the female Lord, so he no longer split up.

Patty's problem with eating people is physiology. The tendency of the youngest son to eat people in his family is learned. His life script is written by the behavior and expectation of his parents and relatives. His parents hope that he will inherit the tradition of killing people. In the middle of the night, he takes a knife to the basement, which is to practice killing and fulfill the obligations of family members. Even if he is finally rescued to the United States, he still thinks about it all the time Remember the family tradition. It is hard to tell when he wakes up and breaks the idea of killing and eating people. The book of life script is still on the way, only when I read it, I know the method.


In short, it's a very good movie from a psychological point of view. The male and female masters' rival plays are the comparison of two life roles, one is the winner and the other is the loser. The woman master drew up the plan to know the man, but did not hand over the knife. The plan was to kill the family, but said you could not kill Patty. That is to say, she actually planned the whole process, planned the fate of the male Lord, planned her own destiny, that is to expect a savior to appear to rescue herself and finally fail. However, she took the initiative to take away her mother, which took a big step, rewritten her life script, and finally imagined killing female friends. I think it is unfortunate that she should transfer the role of worship of parents to the male master, who replaced the father of the dead authority, and became the new obedience in her life, and could be eager to escape but not really escape Father, masochism potential. This is why she just fantasize about killing, but she doesn't really kill. As long as no one else takes the attention of the male owner, she will return to peace. The male Lord should pay attention to the fact that he can not empathize and love, otherwise it will be very miserable. Instead of breaking away from the script of fate, the female Lord began a new life game in the United States.

The male Lord in prison blowing paper group to solve the problem, not his own thought, is the advice of the prison friend. The man lies in bed and reads a novel called strange journey, which gives him the way to make decisions about fate by blowing paper groups. After searching, we didn't find the publication.

The main problem of the male Lord is heartbreak. The purpose of the journey to a foreign country is to heal heartbreak. The method is not the old method, not to continue to be a bartender, to stay in the same environment, but to another new and unfamiliar place. At present, it seems that it is very good, completely cut off the old life script and open a new chapter. The male Lord has the courage to admire.


The mother of the ogre family should have a youngest brother. The brother went to the United States. The reason why we go to the United States should be to disagree with the way my sister and family raise their older sons. His family has six children, the first is patty, then the triplets, then the little daughter, and then the youngest son - the one who was kicked off his nose. The time for his younger brother to go to the United States should be that his daughter is not born, and the younger brother should have taken away the youngest child at that time, Gabriel, who had the style of saving children. Sister and brother-in-law sneer at American lifestyle, so they regard American backpacker as a specific hunting object. The little daughter also had the idea of saving the child. She might have learned from her uncle. She mixed the cry of the youngest brother in Patty's eating voice. She felt that she must take her brother out.

A play at the table, why the weak brother who drank water received the most nail gun, because he had to say that the girl went to the basement and gave the male master a knife, which resulted in the death of his uncle. The male owner is in the purpose of protecting the girl. He shoots him first and ensures that he can't make any more noise. At that time, the male owner didn't know if he could escape, but he thought about the girl at the first time. This is a different place in the bank robbery. He didn't consider the safety of his girlfriend.

Patty went downstairs, angry because he thought that the male master imprisoned her favorite sister and killed her mother. Patty didn't necessarily like the male members in her family. The biggest problem in this family is that the mother has a strong desire to control. Under her control, the husband has to kill people and feed the children. His second brother has to help cut and cook human flesh. The girl's personality is basically a copy of her mother. She wants to flee the United States, so she teaches her brother to learn English, and she succeeds in escaping. She also takes her brother. It means controlling her brother's life. Later, she fantasizes to kill black women who are ambiguous to the male owner, and the mother's style of physical elimination.

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