SEC-S17W1: "Season of My Country"

Un gran saludo a la comunidad Steem for Blangadesh, he decidido unirme a esta iniciativa porque este tema ha tomado fuerza en mi vida ya que pase de vivir en un pais tropical con solo dos estaciones, a uno con sus cuatro estaciones y debo confesar que ha sido todo un reto para mi adaptarme.

Sin mas que agregar. Aqui vamos.


How many seasons in your country? Which one is your favorite and why?

Bueno, en el pais en el que me encuentro actualmente que es Rumania se ven las 4 estaciones: invierno, primavera, verano y otoño. Para mi esto un choque como lo mencione antes, porque en mi pais natal Venezuela solo tenemos dos estaciones: lluvia y sequia.


Asi que no sabia lo que era vivir con extremo frio por ejemplo, o ver los arboles florecer tan lindos, o en el otro extremo morir de calor. Siento que lo que menos tolero es el calor aunque vengo de una zona bien calurosa. Mi favorito creo que es la primavera, no tan frio, pero no tan caliente, ademas que las flores florecen.

If there was one season you wanted to skip forever, which one would it be? Explain the reason.


Sin duda alguna quisiera evitar de por vida el verano, siento que lo odio con todo mi ser. Yo de por si sudo mucho, entonces en verano me la paso con calor, sudada y de mal humor. El año pasado hubo un dia que salir y sentia que me costaba respirar de lo caliente que estaba. El verano por estos lados es inclemente y preferiria evitarlo a como de lugar.

Describe a traditional or special activity that people in your country do during a particular season.

Bueno, aqui todos aman el verano (se entiende porque solo pueden ir a las playas en esta epoca) asi que la actividad predilecta por los ciudadanos de este pais es ir a las playas, bien sea de Rumania o de otros paises cercano. Pasan todo el año planeando las tan preciadas "vacaciones de varano"


Todas las personas como que enloquecen y empiezan a vivir la vida loca en este periodo, me parece muy gracioso pero es asi. Mientras yo me estoy muriendo ahogada del calor jajjaj.

Are there any special foods or drinks that people in your country enjoy most during certain seasons? If so, what is it and why?


Esto fue algo que a mi me impacto mucho, porque si tienen ciertas comidas de acuerdo a la estacion. Y en mi pais no pasa eso. Aqui comen ensaladas de pepino y tomate solo en verano, porque dicen que en clima caliente deben comer algo frio. Al igual que el pescado es solo en esta temporada. Lo otro es que en esta temporada se da la patilla o sandia, por lo que tambien puedo ver que comen mucho esta fruta.

Aprovecho de invitar a @gacavinico, @sol02 y @yancar a participar en este fabuloso concurso. Aqui el link

Todo el contenido de este texto es de la autoría de @marianaceleste, con sello original para la plataforma steemit.

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 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Me imagino el choque que debe dar pasar de dos estaciones a 4, ese cambio también en muchas ocasiones repercute en nuestra salud.

Que mala, no te burles de sus anheladas vacaciones de verano, es la temporada que tienen para divertirse.

Gracias por la invitación, bendiciones.


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hi @marianaceleste really enjoy reading your entry, you have explained everything in great detail and to be sincere I enjoyed everything, I have seen in your country you have the best season so far, and one is your favorite. You have explained the reason you chose it and how people make used of this particular season.. wish you success boss

 2 months ago 

First of all, dear, your presentation is great and wonderful, it's a lot of fun to read, but you expressed your love for the climates in your country, as you live in a hot area. You love the spring season because the new leaves on the trees, the colorful flowers bloom, which add to your happiness. Greenery and green fields also add to the beauty of your country, which is also a great boon.

 2 months ago 

Dear, your country has two seasons. But you are now in Romania where there are four seasons. My choice matches your choice. I also like spring season. I don't like monsoons because different types of natural calamities happen in this season. Your writing is very beautiful. Good luck to you.

 2 months ago 

I also don't really like the dry or hot season because any time i go out I'd be in a hurry to head back home and take a cool refreshing shower. But as you said people generally enjoy this season because affords them the opportunity to go out more often without the fear of rain.

 2 months ago 

Dear @marianaceleste
Thank you so much for sharing a post by which I come to know about the seasons of your country.You have presented wonderfully the different seasons of your country with its characteristics.Every season has some own characteristics. One is different from other. Nature changes it look in every season. By reading you post I come to know that there are four seasons in your country. Some like most winter and some like other seasons but you nothing dislike because every seasons is important for us. and the hottest season of your country is summer.The temperature is high in this time. Go ahead and all the best.

 2 months ago 

Hello dear friend, undoubtedly it is quite strange to be in new weather. I am excited to live in Venezuela coz there is only 2 weather unlike 4 season of our country. But when it comes to favorite season, i also like raining season the most. I feel myself as peacock🦚 during rains 🌧. I just wanna dance and dance 💃 and feel the atmosphere.

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