11/1/17. Post Market Wrap Up: FED. PUNTS, But Upgrades US Economy. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago


Gregory Mannarino
me steem.png

*EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO RIP THIS MARKETS FACE OFF ON ONE PLACE! Click here: https://www.traderschoice.net/
*This is an animal shelter which I personally support financially with monthly donations. Please adopt homeless pets. Gregory Mannarino https://animalfoundation.com/

TONIGHT! I Will Not Hold Anything Back! Greg Mannarino/Amerigo/Bitcoin webinar, Wed, Nov 1st, 9:00 PM EDT Click here: https://steemit.com/money/@marketreport/i-will-not-hold-anything-back-greg-mannarino-amerigo-bitcoin-webinar-wed-nov-1st-9-00-pm-edt


Beautiful Post well done

Amazing information and very interested blog


Only, Charles Mason graduated No. 1 and Robert E. Lee was No. 2, in the class of 1829, had no demerits

Gregory, I do not watch Marketwatch, MSNBC, CNN, C-Span, etc at all.

YOU, USAWatchdog, and a few others are how I follow the markets. Never in real-time. So keep up the good work. Thanks for what you do.

Even Mike Maloney made a small movie in which he shows how there will be no velocity despite lot of money flowing on market...

It's always difficult to select my fav'rite portions of Brother Greg's tutorials but this time I have to go with...."....'HECK....(oh-boy another bad word...)"!
STEEM On all - and Finger the nose of Yellen !!HA

Greg what's the time lag between a bond move and indices move?