Some People Simply Don't Get It! A Rant From Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago (edited)

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You know it is just funny. When you get yourself even just a little bit in the public eye, people want to rip you apart at every chance they get.

Below is an email I just got from a guy calling himself Mike Nickerson.
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Well, "Mike" is correct, I did get the timing wrong with an oil rebound. Moreover, this is not the first, or last, time I will get something wrong.

But here is my problem with people like "Mike."
These kinds of people would rather engage in self immolation than ever admit that I was ever right about anything!

If you follow my work then you know that I recently nailed what The Federal Reserve would likely do with regard to raising interest rates and by how much. The truth is I have only been wrong just ONE time in all the years the Fed. has been saying they will hike-I nailed their exact action every single time but once.

I said publicly (documented on USAWatchdog) that the election of Donald Trump as President would be a game changer and stocks would rally higher.

I called the rally in tech which began mid-April and ran through early June and nailed it.

I said before anyone else, sometime around 2 years ago publicly that the yield curve would flatten out (just as it is doing now), moreover, I also believe it will invert in the not so distant future. (Be careful I may be wrong on my yield curve inversion call).

I have made many more correct calls like the ones I listed above over the years, and some bad ones as well, (I am human).

The bottom line is sure, I have been wrong more than once believe it or not. Moreover, I will be wrong again. However, my correct calls have way outnumbered my wrong calls over the years (and if you have been with me for any length of time you know this to be true).

No speculator can ever be correct all the time, it is impossible, but people like 'Mike" simply don't get it.

I hope you liked my little rant! Thanks for listening...

Much love! Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Nobody knows the depths at which these bankers will manipulate the markets. Since 2008 I have heard it is all going to fall apart and yet it keeps going higher on unicorn farts. This baffles me but with 20 trillion dollars of loaned out money floating in the World Wide Web, markets have no tops. This will have to go to 30 trillion in the near future and who will pay it back. What war will break out to eleminate this debt. It's all virtual money and we just have to be plugged into the virtual reality to see the final results. My randomness on this upside down world.

Some people just want easy answers to their problems

Free advice should be taken with gratitude not attitude. You don't ask for fees for your opinions. But the people who follow you here and on YouTube and your website know that while 100% accuracy is impossible unless you are the IT guy working the server at the NYSE you are mostly right on point and ypur fundamentals for trading are solid. Haters fall back!

Thank you for this.

You're welcome. I enjoy watching your YouTube show and "liking it" daily and Upvoting you here on SteemIt. For a Silver Stacker like me it is difficult to navigate the world of finance. Best move I ever made was doubling up on First Solar and then....I lost it all in penny stocks hahaha. Oh to be 20 again.... The hardest part is swallowing the fear and being able to handle losing. You can't pick every winner. Just not in the odds. I am sure you would agree.

If you are going to give actionable investment advice, you should show your daily P&L and post your broker statements, so we can see exactly how profitable you are. Everyone has bad calls, it´s just the way it is. I know a guy who won 80% of his trades a few years ago. However, the 20% of trades he lost, he lost big time, which caused him to be down on the year. The person would take small profits but would let his losses get out of control. His RR was messed up. Greg, if you are a profitable trader, posting your broker statements would be a great marketing tool. You could say, I lose X amount of trades, but on the trades I do win, my gains totally out weight my losses, which is why I up for the year. Just a suggestion @marketreport

For the record, I only asked for "full disclosure" on the trades you post at your weblog. And since you are STILL showing the SLV trade as a straddle when you told me that you closed the put side of the trade out, you are not providing full disclosure of your trades.

It's very difficult for me to listen to one of your Utube whines in it's entirety. But as far as I got into the spews you posted since you initiated the trade, there was no mention that you closed out the put side of the trade. You can spew all you want about what the Fed is going to do, interest rates, oil, etc. But you will be measured by teh trades you post at your web blog. And anyone who has been tracking those trades by checking "actual" prices for those options at the time you enter and exit knows that your results are not good at all.

If anyone can get everything right 100% of the time then they must be from the future. :)

Greg, I been with you for a while and your Calls in this market are the best i have ever seen

Wow! Thank you for saying this. I am wrong often, but I do also get it right sometimes. Thank you.

I agree with you his trade seem to be generally very good. It might be better if Greg would publish his full trade result but no body pay for this service. So for me you have to use his advice for what it is.

I like Greg very much for his macro economic advice and many of his trade seem very good. I follow my own system which often agree with him. The GLD call yesterday was right and at the same time than my system. It seem I may loose on that call but it is still on for me and Greg provide a free advice

Some people need to stick to just watching mainstream media, maybe you need to add some ads for big pharma to keep everyone happy!

lol 2 points

hi greg nobody is a perfect timer but identifying the trend is all important , bet u got more rights than wrongs. always enjoy u and greg hunter. ty stay safe

Greg, the guy is obviously shitting his pants because he went long oil after watching your video and took it on the chin, now he needs someone to blame, which is childish. Besides, you said there would be "an event" that would send oil higher and to watch for that event. So far, the event hasn't happened so if he was actually following what you were saying, he shouldn't have gone long in the fist place.
People need to stop blaming others for the consequences of their OWN actions.

It's sad to see how some people only want to criticize and make a big deal of our mistakes; most of the time, that kind of people failed doing anything positive for others. You might not be right all the time but at least you are doing a great job sharing your knowledge and with that, helping others understand how critical the time we are leaving is. Thank you very much for all the wonderful work you do; many people really appreciate it .

You're right, Greg. don't let the haters get you down. We all know how successful your picks have been and that you post them for anyone and everyone. Hang in there, bud!

People are Strange.. The Doors. Thanks buddy!

Precisely! Take care.

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