(VIDEO). ALERT: The Federal Reserve Just Did It AGAIN! Did You Miss it? By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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The Federal Reserve has done it again!
In the video below, I outline for you what just happened (as I predicted would happen again earlier in the week), with regard to actions from the Federal Reserve.
Do not miss this.

Gregory Mannarinome steem.png


Without the Federal Reserve and other central banks covertly buying stocks, this fake market would have already collapsed. There is a reason why the Fed isn't fully audited.

The Fed has a mandate to keep the assets of the wealthy .01% propped up, while the main street economy has been in depression since 2008 and sliding further! I'm expecting QE4 this year.

what would be the end game? they keep propping the rich, and then what?

World control of all resources and people is what they want. A New World Order. Their Order ! If they think a population needs cut down somewhere they will do it. They will control all news media. They will control all currencies that you are allowed to use .1984

If one believes there is a central world leadership, Bilderberg, etc., etc., then the endgame is to destroy all individualism and make everyone dependent on the governing powers. The end is to have absolute power for the pleasure of having absolute total and final power over mankind.

The old the sick and the others who can't do as they are told/expected of will be culled off as well, its a very sad looking future for the slaves and our children, grand children and the unborn that are left to pay the debt left from us and these generations we are a part of. BUT>> We will be change, the seeds we plant in the minds of others are growing as ours who now know about the truth are blossoming soon to bloom when the systems fiat goes down.

Think Common Coinage and read my Blogs... Who do you think will be holding the Paper and Digital Dollars and who will be holding their Pocket Change...

They will then, as addicted drug addicts do, and without worry for humankind, attack one another until "rock bottom" is hit. It is a self destruct mechanism as it is with any addict on the streets. If it were about the money, they would have stopped long ago. It is a sickness, and as a sick human or animal should either be helped in an institution or "put down". This means regulations with consequences or a full redistribution of the wealth. With 62 people haven the wealth of the lower 1/2 of the world, time is closing in at an increasing rate of speed.

not too sure all of the elites will hit the bottom, they will ruthlessly play 'king of the hill' to jockey for positions at the top of the pyramid

The game is obvious - inflate the market get people in and crash it. This will remove tons of printed money from the system. In the meantime the rich and the insiders are loading their portfolio with real assets, not a paper junk.

You can put a bandaid on a sliced arm or leg... in fact you can continue placing strategically placed bandages on these broken appendages to give the appearance of health. It will fool those at a distance and even some close by, however, a fever will set in and eventually that appendage will contract gangrene and either need to be amputated or the other option which is to wait and poison the entire body, beginning with a fever and shutdown of blood flow to the extremities and eventual shutdown of all vital organs. What started as a simple problem which if cleaned out and given the proper antibiotics, life could have been sustained, short term visual solutions were enacted as the core of the the problem propagated to be the eventual death of the organism. The organism is the financial system and healthy functioning of the capitalistic and socialistic mixture to allow the machine of the country work within rules yet enjoy the liberties of a lightly controlled market. But folks, do you not understand the idea of not putting bandaids on these wounds? Do you fail to see the sepsis that forms when the main issue is ignored? Do you not understand that trading a few more good years will bring about the complete collapse of the economy? Do you not understand that the folks on the bottom of the pyramid get nothing although promised everything by those who began this pyramid. And finally, we will see as the snake begins to devour itself. Is greed that addictive to resist the eventual and complete collapse? I have only questions with no answers and I apologize for that, however if I did have the answers, would they not fall upon deaf ears? After all an alcoholic knows when to much is too much.... right?

Thanks for the useful analogy to simplify a complex system. The organism' recovery is further complicated in that the economic disease ranges to pandemic scale. Most reading here would likely be able to name at least a dozen other countries even in more dire circumstances in about five seconds.

To add a bit to your good example, I think of a room having many tables with each table supporting a paper house made of carefully placed playing cards. There's a large door at the entrance and the wind outside is blowin' a gale. Those inside observers know the door will open and the logical conclusion - we just don't know when it will open. In present circumstances, it's likely a boastful clown will barge in without thought and...

They need to keep the hype going forward. Asset valuations are stupid high and approaching levels that are not affordable to the average income earner. They also need to raise rates in June and the only way to do this is to ensure that they are pushing the markets higher to keep sentiment moving forward. Brainard is probably the most dovish of all the board members (and likely next in line for Yellen's throne unless Mark Carney from the UK central bank takes the job). It's shocking that Brainard is now joining the agenda publicly, just Google her statement from September 2016, she was very dovish. This is a face turn like no other.
June correction is coming, this is starting to look very similar to August 2015.

Greg, the market belongs to them. They controll it 100%. Only two things that could bring it back inline is house bubble to pop or bitcoin. I belive that both of these are going to rip their face off. Stack it high while its low.

We have a Soviet-style managed economy now. No more free market.

It's become almost impossible to read or listen to any more of the utter bullshit that comes out of their mouths, they've lost all credibility years ago and have turned into a badly written sitcom.

Great heads up as usual! Yep, we've seen this time and time again as you've pointed out numerously in the past. Let's not forget how they never stopped QE. They just stopped talking about it like everything else they want the "sleeple" to not realize.

Thank you Greg. I am a loyal listener and I agree that most housing markets are inflated right now. I do want to tell you guys that people are still applying for home loans. The applications are down but I wouldn't say the party is over quite yet. Lender guidelines are still pretty tight as well. I am about to register 2 new loans today; both for first time home buyers. You all will be very pleased to know that the process of creating more fiat currency for the FED to put on their balance sheet and then dump on the taxpayer later in the form of bailouts is still going strong. I am looking for the 10yr treasury to drop down to 1.9% to spur up more origination before they (the cartel) pull the plug on us. I just feel like they need more dead money in the middle before flipping the winning hand over and scooping the pot. Just my opinion though.

Awesome video as always from the "Lion" Mannarino! DR

bitcoin is the new black swan. there will be extraordinary consequences...

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