Three Kinds of Followers You Want On Steemit and One You Don't! Building a Solid Follower Base Leads to Long Term Success!

in #work7 years ago (edited)

With nearly a million users, Steemit is becoming known. As that happens the variety of people here become more and more a typical cross sample of society at large. Choosing your audience just became easier.

In the beginning, it was mostly coin speculators, developers, and hard core content producers like me, interested in the possibilities.

Now, I see every kind of person I know in "real life" from housewives to retirees and they are all here for a variety of reasons.

The one thing I am focused on during this period of my Steemit career is building my audience.

Why, you've done really well.

Yes, I've been very blessed to be visited often by some large accounts. It's been nice. But, that's not what I'm really after.

Sure, I want to be rich. I do. Rich beyond my wildest dreams, which to me, means taking more than one short vacation a year. LOL My needs are simple. But, I want a lot more than that, and in this I am going to be greedy!

I want a community. I want like minded people who will read my words and be inspired, read my stories and laugh and share them with their friends. This is what I'm after above all else.

It's the one thing that has eluded me in my writing

A steady audience

**Maybe that's because, my work is all over the map. I'm so interested in so many things and in so many different kinds of story. I don't think I could pick a single genre if I tried. It would be like asking me to eat steak every day for the rest of my life. (sorry vegans, I love steak) There are soooo many other things out there to try and experience. **

Whatever the reasons, I'm here to settle this once and for all, can I build an audience for my own work, as I have for lots of others, across a wide variety of industries and genres of work.

Here is an example of what I mean.

I know I can write. And please, know, I'm not fishing for compliments here, more thinking out loud. But, I know I can write well. I get paid a lot for my writing. And, I know my advice on audience building works for everyone else. (just ask the #Dolphinschool Bootcamp group if they've grown) I've done it over and over. But, for some reason, there's some barrier for my own work.

That became clear when my first full length book ghost writing author decided to go to a traditional publisher. Lots of my authors have published, but generally it's been digital, or indie.

For those that don't know, "ghost writing" means, I create the work, you take the credit and buy the work from me outright, and keep any profits. Basically.

So, anyway, this guy, young guy, I've known him since he was nine, started traveling and speaking. He asked me to write a book for him. So, we got together and discussed what he wanted to say. I felt like we nailed it. It turned out great.
Fast forward a few months and I get this call from him.
"Mark, you're not going to believe what just happened," he said. (I won't use his name, since he is the author of this book, not me) "I just got an offer from a publisher, with an advance, and a possible multiple book deal."

I didn't know what to say, it wasn't just a publisher, it was Random House, it was all my words, and they'd picked it up, unsolicited, and called his agent for the whole manuscript from the sample chapters. He's a total unknown. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!

I was at a loss. I was happy for him, and me, but in my head I was screaming! WHY? Why can't I do this for myself?

So, this has been haunting me for months now.

I want to be able to earn my living from stories I tell and information I share. Not something I create for someone else. It may sound selfish, but that's where I am. So, I've been thinking about what kind of followers I reall want, or who any Steemer should be looking for, and there are three kinds you do want, and one you don't.

First a word about whales

They're great, but they will break your heart. Seriously. They have too many people pulling for their attention to get in good with them long term and that's totally understandable. My advice? Produce good content. If they like it you'll have a temporary benefactor. Maybe they'll stick around a while. But, if that's your strategy, you better power up every penny, because you'll need to be a whale yourself to make a living on whale votes alone.

1. The Repeat Customer

It is always easier to sell to someone you've sold to before. This is why email lists of customers are soooo valuable in the marketing biz. Some sell for tens of thousands. They shouldn't be sold at all IMHO, but there it is.

These steemers like you. They plan on coming back, they're regulars. If they stick around and produce good content too, about 50 of these might be enough to pay a mortgage every month.

2 The Curator

Word of mouth is the best kind of advertising. If you haven't heard it before, now you have. No matter where you go no advertising EVER beats personal referrals. Think about, even if you don't know anyone that buys mini-vans, when you wanted one, where did you go? Reviews! Right?

These steemers are making a name by making a name for other steemers and it's awesome. It happens all the time in social media. Some of the biggest names on every platform hardly ever write their own content, instead, they showcase others, and their followers trust them to tell them what's good.

3 The Newbie

This one may seem out of place on this list. After all, little plankton votes are so small, you could eat six in one bite, and it would only be worth a penny. But, there is more kinds of value than just money. And they can really pack a punch.

When people are excited, they talk. Talking is good. They love everything on Steemit, some of them are spammers, but they'll get corrected. But, the ones that are really trying to grow, will share your content, upvote you, comment, follow and generally be a good advertisement for your work if you treat them well.

A good balance of these types can really make a blog go! Most of the "working steemers" you see, who are keeping the lights on with steemit, average between 30 and 100 votes a post. If you develop long term relationships, those votes will grow in value over time, too!

Now for the ones you want to throw back!

Some people just can't help themselves. They're just negative. They're mean and angry and they can set your house on fire if you let them in. Rather than explain it, I'll just leave this here and you can read the comments to see what I mean.

Trigger Warning!

This user gets graphic about what he thinks of me. But, if you want to know who to avoid, click this link, right here! Starts with the first comment and just gets better.

Suffice it to say, if @muscleroast shows up at your door, I wouldn't open it.

Want more great tips and training? Try the #dolphinschool tag, or follow me @markrmorrisjr. THANKS for reading.

Can he do that???

"They have too many people pulling for their attention to get in good with them long term and that's totally understandable. "

But many whales just put certain people on their auto-vote list and leave it at that. They get they curation rewards and the authors get their rewards, so it ends up being a win-win, no?

Yes. This can happen. But, it will usually only happen when you've attracted other solid votes. Here's my point. Don't worry too much about the whales. You can go diving into their blog comments and make friends, see if you can catch one's attention, but it's not a good solo strategy for real growth, or sustainable income on the platform.

Also, the same strategy you use to produce solid content and attract other followers, is the same thing Whales will look for.

Upvoted and resteemed. Enjoy reading your post. Hope you get something published yourself, keep it up. Consistency pays off. 👍

I will. I have a bunch of my stuff self published and some of it does pretty well. I've been at it a long time, so when I do hit, it's going to be big, a lot of back catalog for readers to catch up on.

Thanks Mark. It must be so frustrating to be a ghost writer and see your hard work being credited to another. But credit to your for using your skills to good us.
I am finding it a little difficult to get more than a couple of comments (or even votes for that matter) but I enjoy writing and indeed posting songs. I feel I am contributing to the site honestly and engaging with topics that I love.
I am a little reluctant to go down the robot route, it somehow doesn't feel the right way to go. As you rightly say, the content should be engaging and stand on its own merits.
Thank you for you ideas and your work within the community.

No, not at all. I love this guy. I'm glad it's working for him. It was more, like, I just realized I should be doing that for my own work. Have you looked at the #dolphinschool posts? There's a lot of good stuff there. My own content is in a bit of a slump for decent payouts the last couple of weeks, but what I'm sharing has worked for me and others.

And, let me say, what they pay me to ghost write, comes out to between $75 and a $100 an hour on most projects. I am not sorry for myself.

You write pretty well, @markrmorrisjr, but linking the Free post promotion was almost too much. I had to go back to comment on this one first :)

The kind of follower I want is the one upvoting and commenting my posts, asking and arguing. If they got content I like, I follow them actively too. Building MY community in my blog @thedolphin, and contributing to theirs.

Steemit is more than a community, it is a communities builder IMO.

Keep up the good work!

Did you read those comments? WOW! I knew he was a loser, but man. Way to prove it.

He basically told the steemit world he was not yet out of the closet, and angry for not daring.

I report spammers to @steemcleaners at

Yeah, his comment thread is gold. I'm not interested in having it removed.LOL Thanks

You are the idiot arguing with a finess entertainment website that roasts people what do you expect? That is also our intern and I see he got you all fired up. Whats next, you gonna argue with TMZ? Go about your business man.

Fired up? Nope. Laughing the whole damn time. Downflagged because your just too rude in the comments section. I actually offered to help, but you know, put your own spin on it.

getting your book published doesn't really have much to do with the quality of your writing, obviously you need to be able to communicate clearly, but at the end of the day you have to have the story they are looking for. When I tried to pitch a book to a book agent friend about my life experiences basically she was like "you haven't had an interesting life until at least 50" and even then you need something new that they are looking for to get a deal. Or be Hillary Clinton.

Well, that's definitely part of it. But, when they offer an advance, it means you've got chops. Those are rare these days, and for an agent from a major house like Random to say, three book deal, in an initial conversation is even rarer. They flew him out to meet. Waiting to hear what happens.

he must be some kind of hot shit

Well, I wrote him one hell of a book.

For the record, he's thirty. And it's a life story.

if he is going on speaking tours he already has a following willing to pay to hear what he has to say so clearly that is some interesting stuff.

I don't know your politics, so you may hate (or love) it's content, but what is your opinion of my formatting and presentation and such of my latest post?

Well. I'm libertarian, think Hillary is in bed with dangerous people and Donald Trump is a narcissistic moron in over his head. But, your formatting is not the problem.

First, your piece is too long. Cut it in half. There's really not that much to say about it. Your readers don't need a primer on Mockingbird, if they do, write one and link to it when you need to. Then, I think your category has low competition, but also low readership. And, your readers are simple folk, your title's not "clicky" enough. CNN Shares More Anonymous Lies About Trump Probe, or something to that effect.

that sounds like some excellent advice, thank you

i like your blog...upvoted and resteemit done

Thanks. But, there has not been even one vote here, so please don't leave spam comments on my blog. Especially if you're going to lie.

That was my upvote you dolphin banger. Have a nice life lol.

Great most little Mark. Tell people about and how negative we are. We only made fun of you cause you're a homo.

Well, say goodbye to your little reputation score. All these downflags are going to decimate it. Along with your bandwidth. I gave you ample time to back down.

OH NO! What am I going to do with my life now

Follow to blog me

Well, you've got the whole dolphin porn career now, soo...

This is one of my favorite leadership videos. Have you seen it before?

Yes, I have seen it. It's amazing. Cool, thing about it is, this guy wasn't trying to lead anybody. To me, that's the best kind of leader, they just do them and others join in.

Also, my wife and I used to go to a dance club here in town a couple times a year. Every single time we went, there was this old guy. I mean, 70+ in this hiphop and pop music club, dancing his legs off. He never bothered anyone, first one on the floor, last one to stop dancing when the music stopped. He was great. I admire that kind of strength where people just do their own thing.

First, the story about the guy you wrote for getting the big call is just crazy. I can imagine that haunting me too. As far as building a following here, I keep thinking that since I didn’t start until recently, I should just focus on meeting other newbies, at least as a base. If more seasoned writers like my posts that is great, but it’s like each new wave of users probably need to work together building new communities. I don’t know. Thinking out loud and just fishing for more insight I guess :)

I'll give you a response tomorrow.