Foods that relieve spring allergies
"Seasonal allergy is a genetic disease of the immune system. Before you think of medicines, it is especially important to meet the season of allergies with a healthy diet. "
That's what Mike Tringle, vice president of the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation, told Time magazine.
A healthy diet should be rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids. "Allergies cause inflammation of the tissues connecting the throat and nose. Foods that reduce inflammation will result in relief, "Tingle said.
Nuts - especially walnuts - are a good choice because of the high magnesium and vitamin E content. Magnesium relieves asthma attacks by dissolving the bronchi and relaxing the respiratory muscles, while vitamin E enhances immunity and protects the body from free radicals causing inflammation and tissue damage.
Apples . Studies show that people who regularly consume apples are less likely to experience allergies and asthma. Apples are rich in quartzine - a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties. Its quantity is greatest in their bark. It contains high levels of polyphenols - another type of antioxidant.
Dr. James Burns of Harvard University School of Public Health examines the relationship between nutrition and respiratory problems and concludes that "with higher intake of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory micronutrients, coughs, respiratory infections are less common and asthma symptoms are so heavy. "
The fish . Omega-3 fatty acids contained in seafood have a natural anti-inflammatory effect and increase immune defense, and allergies occur just when we have decreased immunity. Dr. William Sears, the author of the book, The Omega-3 Effect, claims that for seasonal allergies the best medicine he could prescribe is 150 grams of salmon twice a week. Regular consumption of fish also helps against skin allergies, which are also exacerbated in the spring season.
Red grapes . Its skin is rich in antioxidants and resveratrol - a component with anti-inflammatory action. Vine leaves also have the ability to relieve inflammation.
Tomatoes . They contain a large amount of vitamin C, increase immunity and relieve swelling. Contain antioxidant lycopene. A study of researchers at the University of Tel Aviv shows that thirty milligrams of it daily increases by 45% the protection of the body against asthma attacks. Aubergines, cucumbers and peas are also among the recommended vegetables.
Other foods rich in antioxidants include berries, legumes, and potatoes.
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