Why BITCOIN is an UNSTOPPABLE Asteroid: That no One, Thing or Place, can Stop!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin Asteroid.jpg

Asteroids entering a planets atmosphere typically do one of two things. Completely reshape the surface of the planet and the lives of everyone on it...or break apart, and be completely dismantled and consumed by the atmosphere.

When I think about my relationship with Bitcoin over the past years, I sometimes compare Bitcoin to my favourite band growing up. I used to listen to music that my friends had never heard of- underground bands some of which become quite famous. This of course changed the relationship I had with these bands. No longer, was I able to see my favourite band in quiet, small local venues because they were selling out in stadiums downtown.

This wasn't necessarily a good or bad change, just a drastic change in how my interaction and relationship would be from that point on. A reality I had to face.

Bitcoin has a similar nostalgia for myself. I can remember the looks I received regarding Bitcoin and Blockchains- now I have my friends, colleagues and even family members telling me about the "new" technology they are into. Very cool- but such a culture shock to me.

So as we hear about the fears of Bitcoin being destroyed and the negative news being heavily thrown onto the cryptocurrency world daily- its a familiar place that will surely come along again once Bitcoin reaches new heights..yet again. The ironic thing to me- is just like the bands I used to see in the small dives in my local towns- which now sell out the largest arenas...Somehow Bitcoin- like the bands - have a lot better of a chance sticking around, considering Bitcoin has already been playing the main stage for quite some time.

The FUD that accumulates within the banking community and those buried in Fiat is simple. The same could be said about taxi drivers promoting Uber- probably an unlikely occurrence.

As for the asteroid. In my opinion, I feel Bitcoin is heading straight for us, and even as its breaks apart int he atmosphere, its WAY to big to be consumed or destroyed by anything in its way...and you can be sure of one thing...

Bitcoin will completely reshape the surface of the planet and the lives of everyone on it...


Yes really good post. Followed...

Its like diahrea, if its gona come out there is nothing you can do to stop it.

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