The Posting reward checking tool! - Will your next post payout still be worth 100% ?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Nobody wants to calculate if they can still make a new post!

Since the Introduction of the Posting Reward Rate Limit its sometimes hard to figure out if you are allowed to make another post without being affected by the new posting reward rate limit that is calculated per 24H.

The solution!

Currently there is not yet a GUI in place that tells you when submitting a new story, if you are going to be effected with this new rule. Therefore I decided to make a tool that tells you, if the new post is going to effect your payout rate.

How to use the tool?

You can check the tool yourself over here you can ether change the username in the url or use the box in the bottom left corner.

More info on the new posting limit rulle of 4 top-leve posts per day:

Each account can post up to 4 top-level posts per day before a new algorithm will kick in. The new algorithm will start taxing any rewards you earn on additional posts in the same day. Here is a chart that shows how your posting rewards will fall in percentage terms for each additional consecutive post.

More information can be found in this post steem-version-0-12-0-released

How is this calculated?

Each account now tracks a post_bandwidth. The calculation of he bandwidth is similar to account bandwidth except that each post costs the same regardless of actual post weight. To add a level of precision, each post costs 10000 points of bandwidth. We target an average rate of 4 posts every day.

More information about this calculation can be found here

Will your next post payout still be worth 100%?

Did you already post more then 4 articles in the last 24H?


I'm sitting here counting the hours on my fingers... One ... twelve... Six.. hours..


Did I do that right?
Can I post at 9 or 7?
OMG! My post is ready to go! Can't I just post it!

Seriously though. This tool is going to change my daily life. And eliminate a TON of stress! Thank you! I hope your post makes tons! Thank you for sharing this with everyone.

Your welcome good to hear it relieves you from stress :) Keep up the good work! Happy posting.

This is brilliant! thanks mate

Thanks @mauricemikkers this will definately come in handy. I'm ~2 weeks into steemit and all my days are merging together, having this for a secondary idiot-check before I post is gold

welcome! Hope it will give you some head space, focusing on only content not on if you can post it or not.

"Will your next post payout still be worth 100%?

Did you already post more then 4 articles in the last 24H?"
Take count that editing is also counted as posting.

Some say it is and some say it is not. I would gladly like to hear what would be the real thing, since editing does not effect the point system that Im using to calculate it. Can someone elaborate?

When you edit you dont really edit but you make a new post, so whatever that was in your post before editing is still on the chain on a different "post" not sure if its still a post in that moment, lol.

checked in steem chat and most ppl say it should not be affected atm. If someone else has proof please let us know!

Outstanding tool - expect an avalanche of votes! cheers!

I'm still not sure if it is 4 posts for the last 24 hours or per day, and if it is per day when does the cunter start for each day, because everyone here is in different timezones?

I have made 4 posts in the last 24 hours, with the last one actually 24 hours ago according ot the system, but the tool still reports NO.

Thanks for your reply, I have checked and it says that you are currently still having 40621 Points. With 10.000 points a post that means in the last 24h you have done (more than) 4 posts.

Thank you!
Now I can count!

The days coming when all these disparate amazing tools will be built into the experience itself. The rate of good tools coming out is a bit mind boggling

I surely hope so that these tools will all be build in to itself! Since that would mean a even greater experience.

Great Job!

This is a great tool!


happy to have helped out!

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