Friendship Inside Tropical Rainforest of Africa My Actifit Report Card: May 18 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

Hello community, welcome to my blog, I’m happy that you’re here to share from my today’s activities, it was really busy and fun at the same time.

As you can see, my Actifit report count reached above 17k, wow, that’s a milestone for me. Anyway I’m grateful that my farming is pushing me to those greater heights.

As you can see from the picture above, it’s an evidence of how I interacted with nature and my environment, throughout today, I was right inside what you know as tropical rainforest of Africa 😂 cutting bamboo trees for my yams that are sprouting, inside the forest, I have a photographic encounter with these wonderful creatures of God.

I became interested on how they share things in common without any hurting each other, anyway before I show you more pictures, you can take a look on bamboo trees and what I was able to cut and relocate to one of my farms.

Cutting down bamboo trees could be risky especially cutting without experience, it can easily wound someone if not properly approached from the appropriate point.

Today I was able to cut above 100 pieces, maybe tomorrow I relocate them all to my family.

Ok, I gotta rushing back home to my house, it’s about to rain, I trek far from my place before I could access the internet, please let’s continue tomorrow!

As you can see, the weather isn’t my friend anymore, I just took this picture this moment of writing. Though I have many things to show you, but I’ll really have to go now. See you later.

Gardening,Daily Activity,House Chores,Walking


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