I don’t wholly trust the reports from the media over the rampage of covid19

in HeartChurch5 years ago

Covid19 is real but not as the media is hyping it. Set your minds free from fear.

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Don’t be amazed by what man is saying and what they’re ready to accomplish, always pay attention to what God is saying and doing, pay close attention to nature and the realities around you.

Man may try to push fear in you with lies and hypocrisy, some are hypnotized by their selfish interest over power and wealth, but do not be afraid for any reason. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but that of power, love, and sound mind.

Set your affections on the things above from where the creator determines the affairs of life.

Coronavirus is real but is being hyped by the media to cultivate fear in us.

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I may be sounding unreasonable but the facts remain that the media is not to be trusted with their statistics on covid19 pandemic severity. Research is being carried out in many countries, especially those with higher number of casualties, but there’s no reality and evidence in those hospitals that covid19 patients are as numerous as the media claim.

It’s turning out to a ghost tell and what we watch on the television and on the internet but the real facts aren’t in concordance with the media’s reports.It’s obvious that many deaths caused by other illnesses are all tags as coronavirus case. Come to think of it, how many people at Steem and Hive have you heard to be claimed by covid19? I’m not praying for anyone to die, but truth be told, I have hundreds of friends and family members abroad especially in Italy 🇮🇹 and the United States 🇺🇸, but non has lost his family members, neither their friends or friends of their friends, it’s all happening on the media.

People are being locked down at home for fear of something that is not as serious as the media claim, and yet non is brave enough to carry out real live investigations.

Any attention to opposing their agenda, you becomes their target, through the centralized media full of censorship.

I don’t trust the credibility of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci on this whole covid19 media crusade.

The way they’re pushing the whole thing out of proportion is signaling something that looks like a conspiracy.

Irrespective of whatever that you may want to believe, never be intimidated by fear, use your intelligence and common sense.


Up till now, I’ve not known of any real peoples being killed by covid19, I don’t know about you, please correct my impression if you’re witnessing the rampage of coronavirus or maybe has lost friends and family members as the media is claiming it’s severity today.

Stay safe and never buy from the fear being sold out to the world.


I live in Honduras and many doctors are saying the government is hiding behind fake numbers, both of cases and death, only thing is they say the case and death numbers are way higher than the government is willing to accept. Exactly the reverse of your scenario.

 5 years ago 

Thanks for your kind comment @gduran, but to be honest, apart from what the doctors are saying, have you witnessed any death of people that you know, maybe friends, or friends of friends from covid19?

In the city where I live which is a small city of 300,000 there has only officially been one death, and that person I didn't know. There have according to official figures been less than 50 deaths in the whole country most of them in one specific metropolitan zone, and of these quite a few are supposed to have been infected outside the country, Spain and Italy specifically.
The odds of me knowing a dead person in a city I don't live in where the deaths are, if the doctors are right a couple of hundred are not that big, but I do know several people who are still battling with the disease. And remember I am locked down I can't go out and talk with people so I don't know how it is really going. But to be sure I trust the doctors way more than the government.

 5 years ago (edited)

That’s the point, if you have only one death in a city of 300,000 in couple of weeks, that’s a big slam to what the media is hyping concerning the virus, that’s my point. We should be able to connect the dots by the realities around us, which is more reliable than fake news from the media.

My city has over 1,000,000 people yet we couldn’t pinpoint one genuine death caused by covid19. I have siblings living in Italy 🇮🇹 and New Jersey U.S.A which still testifies that the hype from the media is overwhelming. Few people are really after our world for manipulation, games, control, money, and for power.

We should worry less about the covid19 but be more concerned about the upcoming agendas from high techs, companies and few individuals with selfish interest in our world. It’s all for power, politics and money.

Stay safe friend.