It's Time to Give Up Your Guns Folks ...really?

in #activism7 years ago (edited)


With what appears to be a serious push to introduce gun control, the people of the United States now find themselves at one of the most important crossroads in the Nation's history. This is of course a very natural reaction to the ever growing number of mass shooting that seem to occur almost every other day on the United States these days but in the face of such a drastic response, the questions must be asked, are all these shootings really what they appear to be on the surface and is gun control really the answer?

Democide, or death by Government, has always been the world's leading cause of death and it remains that way to this day. As I repeatedly point out to people there were 262 million people murdered by their own Governments just in the 20th century alone. The United States, first constructed as it was, as a Constitutional Republic, was designed to ensure that such a thing could never be possible in their Nation. To be certain of this, each inhabitant of the land was granted the right to bear arms, not for hunting, as the Government and media of today would have the people believe but for the express purpose of protecting themselves from Government corruption and providing them the means to reclaim their country, should it ever fall into Tyranny. Essentially, they were given the right to bear arms in order to deal with the situation they are facing right now.

When one examines the history of Government, any Government, it is very easy to see and quite often readily admitted by them in later years, that these institutions have frequently used terrorism as a means of swaying popular opinion in order to achieve their objectives. It has happened time and time again, as I said, later even openly admitted and many simply do not realize that it is still happening today quite simply because terrorism still remains the single most effective way of swaying popular opinion. It gets the job done quick. No questions asked, no pesky procedures to follow. They use it because it works... like nothing else. And they know it because they have done it before. Many, many times. The problem is that people simply forget. Their televisions have lulled them into complacency and they simply believe it could never happen today. But the reality is that nothing whatsoever has changed and upon any real investigation at all, there should be little doubt in anyone's mind that the recent and rapidly escalating spate of random shootings at schools and similar venues across the United States have been scripted, orchestrated and staged by agents of the state themselves and for the very purpose of removing the people of their ability to be able to resist what is coming.

“It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived.” ~ René Descartes

Terrorism, or at least the fear of terrorism, has always been a huge factor in swaying social opinion. It has always been that way ever since the formation of society and nothing has changed. It is terrorism that has lead the United States into its current gun debate but yet if one looks a little deeper, if indeed the decision is final and gun confiscation of any kind does actually take place, such a law will be enforced by agents of the state who will use terrorism in order to do so.

Let me restate, that Democide, or death by Government, has always been the world's leading cause of death and to the tune of 262 million people who were murdered by their own Governments in the 20th century alone.

And please take a moment to really let those words sink in.

The Second Amendment is not about hunting. It never was. The Second Amendment is about protecting your freedom and saving your life. To relinquish that right is to put oneself in harms way and is pure folly.


For my part, well, I dont even like guns. I dont own one, don't want one and don't feel I need one and removing them all from the world? well that would suit me just fine. But the reality is that guns exist. And there's a lot of them. That's simply the way it is. And in that situation, given their track record, if a Government, any Government, as corrupt as the ones that hold power in the world today, with police as heavily armed and as brutal as those we see today - most especially in the United States, seeks to ban firearms, say: No problem - You first. Because truly, anyone who believes that in the current climate of today's world the only ones who should be armed is the State and their agents, is completely and utterly delusional to a point that defies any and all rational analysis. In fact to my mind, such a person is stark raving mad.

“Only he who has no use for the empire is fit to be entrusted with it.”
~ Zhuangzi

In Lak'ech

Max Igan


Two guns are better than one.. I took a US concealed carry course. The use of deadly force may be acceptable to a jury if there is a threat of grievous bodily harm to ones-self or someone else. Deadly force is never justified if someone is fleeing. These rules apply to everyone including law enforcement. .. On a lighter note, guns are definitely a lot fun to shoot when aimed at inanimate objects!

Totally agree sir!

ten points brother

"On a lighter note, guns are definitely a lot fun to shoot when aimed at inanimate objects!"

I agree, even though I do not like being around guns (but very pro 2nd amendment.)

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: governments are the real mass murderers of the world.
Our Purpose

So let me get this straight...

"The average person shouldn't be allowed to have an AR-15. Normal people don't need them! They're dangerous! People can't be trusted!"

HOWEVER, if that very same "average person" applies for a job where he will work as a hired thug for politicians, THEN suddenly that same person is trustworthy, and THEN he needs such weapons... and in fact, then he should be hired to use such weapons to forcibly take such weapons from all the other "average people"--the ones who HAVEN'T volunteered to act as thugs for the state.

-- Larken Rose

In my country we say - thug, henchmen, minion. For those who blindly acts as a sheep if authority dictates them so.

proficient use of an AR-15 should be a requirement to vote.

That's correct. The government and military is made up of "average people". Let's put away our perceptions of false authority figures and remove them from their pedestals. They are no more powerful and have no more natural rights than you or I.

As @maxigan said in closing: "if a Government, any Government, as corrupt as the ones that hold power in the world today, with police as heavily armed and as brutal as those we see today - most especially in the United States, seeks to ban firearms, say: No problem - You first."

Great stuff Max!

thank you brother

The U.S. is also not Australia. If they repeal the 2nd Amendment which is considered inalienable and not to be infringed they still have the problem of enforcing it.

It hasn't been defenders who have guns that have been killing people. Offenders don't care about these laws.

The Defenders in the U.S. will be forced to prove this point if they attempt to take the guns. That won't be pretty.

Some people may be fine with making themselves into easy targets for criminals, and criminals includes government tyranny. Many of us are not so naive. We know criminals don't care about laws, so won't care about gun laws. All it does is remove the ability for people to defend themselves from said criminals.

Will accidents happen?


That is called life. People trip, hit their head, and die frequently.

More people are killed by fists in the U.S. each year than guns.

Freedom is dangerous.

It is still preferable to slavery.

I like gunz
Were it not for an unfortunate boating accident I'd still own a few

Didn't you have a house boat? What happened?

the houseboat is still being remodeled. I haven't floated it yet.
(pray for me)

Upvote 100% :) Lovely and peaceful evening :)

america's 2nd civil war in the making...

In my opinion, one is not free (not in today's world) just because he can carry a gun at his side. People need to free themselves in their own mind first. In comment sections online (not the best place...) I've been called a few times a "slave" by some amercian supposed "patriots" because, being from Europe, I "can't have guns" (which is not even true), while people such as these believe in governemnt anyway, support the inhuman war on terror based on lies and false flags, and want closed militarized borders (but not militarized police in their neighborhoods...). Not state-supporting slaves, huh?

That said, be that as it may, I am unapologetically pro-gun. Guns don't belong to psychopaths who see themselves invested of a divine right to rule, they belong to the people. There will always be a danger inherent with certain types of objects, but that danger gets way bigger to an unimaginable degree if such objects are monopolized by a group of psychopaths that then will be able to do whatever the hell they want to those they disarmed.

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