What If You Couldn't Remember Who or What You Are?

in #life6 years ago (edited)


When you step back and really examine the current state of life on Earth, it becomes apparent that one of the things most responsible for the current human condition is a loss of self. People have simply forgotten who, or perhaps more correctly what, they are. People simply don't seem to realize that all those who presume to control them via the machinations of Government are all simply people, exactly as they themselves are people. It is this loss of self that has, to a large extent, led to the current human condition. It is people’s failure to view things from this more human perspective that has allowed others whom they have been subconsciously trained to view as having more value than themselves, to control and ultimately enslave them. And it is only by breaking this programmed and self constraining mind-set that mankind will ever truly gain the freedom many so desire.

The programming to which mankind has been subject, has truly been intense. It comes from all angles and there are none that are completely immune to its influence, simply due to their everyday interaction with society. It is present in the lives of most people from the moment of birth, and unavoidably so, because it is already present in the minds of their parents due to the conditioning they have in turn undergone during their own path through life. And this subtle programing gets more refined and more dehumanizing not only with each generation, but virtually with each year, as more and more changes are introduced into the education system, into the workplace, and delivered into the minds of the populace via the media.


The real problem with the education system today is that most people, most parents at least, simply don't look at it. They just don't bother to take the time to look at what their kids are being taught or how the lessons are being presented. The introduction of political correctness into academia, whereby "all are equal in the eyes of education," where there are no failing grades and everyone is a winner, essentially means that bright students are 'normalized', no one excels and the collective mind of the youth is effectively homogenized. Taught always to view themselves as part of a collective, to be fearful of any change, to view independent thought as irrational and abnormal, even potentially dangerous, to always seek help from the nanny state to address any concerns and to always respect authority, this serves to create a very easily controlled society in which all critical or creative thinking has been very effectively stifled.

To step back a couple of years by way of an example, this type of attitude and completely programmed dependence on the nanny state was in fact, very clearly seen in the minds of many British youth who were so fearful of the recent result in Britain's vote to leave the EU. Many took to "blaming" the older generation for being so "irresponsible" as to create such an "uncertain future" for them simply because they know of no other life prior to Britain becoming part of the EU and are so willing to believe the fear and government propaganda delivered to them by the controlled mainstream media during the process. It has also been seen in the recent stance of American youth calling for tougher gun laws in a plea for the State to protect them from the many shooting that are undoubtedly staged by the state themselves, and for this very purpose. As a result of Academic programming, many of today's youth view the nanny state as being all important. And the bigger the nanny then the more safe they believe they will be. Naturally, as with virtually every thought placed in the minds of the people by the state, such a notion is so far reversed to the actual truth as to belong to the realms of pure fantasy.

Really, when one begins to examine our modern society and the great many problems it creates, with even a partially open mind, it becomes apparent that it is the state itself that is responsible for virtually every issue the people on this earth are facing, and yet it is the state that people turn to when seeking solutions to these issues. The state may of course offer you some appeasement, but never what you are really in need of and ultimately in almost every case it will turn out to be something to further consolidate the power of the state has over you. Yet people still turn to the cause of their woes in search of remedy. They do this simply because they know of nowhere else to turn and again, this is ultimately due to a loss of connection to self - a simple lack of understanding and recognition of who and what they truly are.


In regards to humanity and how it is that people view themselves in relation to the social 'food chain', many view themselves and their peers as 'average human beings', yet their training and programming causes them to view other classes almost as a different breed of more worthy or more valuable human beings. It is a social class system that has been cleverly instilled into people's minds which has nothing really to do with social standing, wealth or upbringing but is more to do with trust and where and in whom, such trust should be placed. Those of higher academic achievements for example, are often seen as being wholly trustworthy. Look at the faith people place in so called 'experts', in scientists, professors and others of perceived authority on a particular subject. Simply by default, most people place an enormous amount of faith and trust in doctors and modern medicine for example. Yet there have been subtle changes in the way modern medical practitioners treat their patients.

I recall that throughout my childhood years, a visit to the doctor would require a personalized diagnosis. The doctor would thoroughly examine the patient, sometimes refer to detailed texts, often run blood tests, and generally poke around the lymph and glandular system for physical symptoms and anomalies. Yet last time I visited a doctor, and such occasions are extremely rare for me, the physician simply typed my symptoms into his computer and allowed the software to diagnose me and prescribe me with a suitable medication. Does this seem rational to you? Does this sound like the reasonable result of years of studying to become a medical practitioner? Is one simply expected to believe the practitioner is able to use a computer better than someone else, and that skill is to what he owes his position? And more importantly, does this method sound like something you should trust? Does it indicate the person you are dealing with to be of an upstanding and trustworthy character? Personally, I found the procedure both fascinating and quietly discomforting at the same time.


The same can be said for the scientific and academic communities. Many view such people as having far more value than the average Joe. Often the scientists themselves adopt a superior attitude by default, and genuinely do view themselves as having more worth than others. Rather than enter into any reasoned debate, are quite happy to brandish their credentials to quieten any disputes to their authority. It is this type of social programming that has led to the disempowerment of so many. This is also very much exemplified in our approach to politicians. We tend to treat these people very much as our superiors when they are in fact our employees. Yet in what can only be compared to some type of collective Stockholm syndrome, we fawn and pander to them, we exalt and praise them and we ask and petition them for change rather than simply looking at things from the correct perspective and simply instructing them to carry out the tasks and duties we require of them.

What is needed is to put a little humanity back into the equation.

Let's just openly face it, we are subject to lies and propaganda and basically spoon fed an endless supply of crap from every conceivable angle. Be it contrived and constructed news about daily 'terrorist attacks' (that somehow seem to more and more frequently lack the presence of any confirmable victims); be it the environmental concerns we face from an ever growing corporate rampage across the earth that is fast destroying any means of a viable future in order to feed the economic model in its wanton demand for permanent growth; be it the latest reasons why we must continue funding war and bombing children in the middle east. We are fed all this mayhem and woe on a daily basis and all is designed to instill into the minds of the people that we desperately need government to ensure our safety when the real truth is that it is the government who creates all the problems, simply to insure their position of control.

It's a classic protection racket.


The people really could deal with things quite easily if they simply cut off the life blood to the system and began supporting each other. The problem is that such a thing will not occur to any meaningful degree until people realize their own worth and begin to see the worth in others around them in their local communities. When such a thing happens we will begin to see some real change. But it will not occur at all until people put down their fear, step into their humanity and choose to get involved. And the first step is to step away from the social conditioning. To realize that regardless of education or perceived professional standing and the implied trust that comes with it, all living beings have equal standing and value.


You don't need to ask politicians for permission to live your life. You don't need to believe you must obey a so called law that claims you cannot collect rain water. You don't need to obey the dictates of a legal system that has been designed to place life as being subservient to economics. You don't need to believe that a law that does not apply to the politicians can somehow apply to you.

And therein lies the problem.

Our politicians and governments have way overstepped the mark and it is high time they were called out and held accountable for their actions, regardless of the office they hold. And if politicians are not to be prosecuted for their crimes and deceit; if the law is not to be applied to them as it would be applied to anyone else, then the stark reality is that there IS no law and no real and just society, but rather a slavery system, whereby one set of rules apply to those who create the rules, and another to the people. When looked at under those parameters, you are faced with the stark reality that there IS no law.

That is our predicament, and it is truly time for mankind to stand up to address the situation we now find ourselves in. It is time to face the uncomfortable reality that most of our trust has been very much misplaced and that this is not the result of a collective mistake, but rather the result of a carefully crafted plan to disempower and fool mankind into handing the keys to their freedom and to their very lives to others who simply do not have their best interests at heart

It is time we reclaimed our Earth from the criminals who now control it.


There are a great many people who can see the reality of the human dilemma now, and many others who are waiting for the call. All it will take to start bringing about some real change is for people to now apply their knowledge to their community.

Ask questions, share information and lead by example in all that you do. Inspire and empower all those you come into contact with and know that with every soul you reach, every heart you touch and every smile you inspire, you are making a difference, sparking a light and inspiring change in others.

In Lak'ech

Max Igan

Art: The genius of Tomasz Alen Kopera
Motion Graphics: George Redhawk


Well done, strong words ..
Be yourself and be good
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

Absolutely brilliant piece, Max. This one deserves a resteem too... It really is time to make change happen, starting with ourselves remembering who and what we really and truly are.

source: PositiveSynergy

many thanks for your comment :)

Thank you, Max. I've followed and respected your work for years. You've done so much to help wake up the world. Many Blessings, brother

I have spent a good share of time wondering this myself Max. For many that come to understand aspects of how the control system works. Can mean a time of trying to unlearn the education some have taken in for 12 plus years. For me I believe remembering who are is one of the most important step one can take in healing them self from the control structure. What did I what to become as a child? What was I before I came to the planet? And what am I here to do? It's a hard feeling some times when many around believe the need a education to become what it is they want to become, instead of knowing most of this stuff is already with in them.

Thank you for putting this post up as it has helped me understand this topic better. And I know I have shared this sculpture I made with you in the past, but it seems fitting to share it with you and your audience again today!

Reminder Of Self

Also as a weekly listener of your work it's meant alot to me that you have come to post and contribute to the steem blockchain. Not the end all be all, but I feel a great stepping stone to reminder us we are for us, and we need to build a new!

thank you brother

Great explanation of the mind control that humanity finds itself under and the solutions when we break free from these collective limiting beliefs.

many thanks brother

Beautifully said Max Igan.

many thanks doogs

Loved your most recent youtube vid Max (The Prison you Live in). Uncomfortable listening sometimes but the ugly truth is better than a pretty lie. You call it the way you see it, and I wish more people did the same. Keep up the great work.

thank you for saying so aidan

This is beautiful and powerful, thank you Max! Peace and Joy to you sir. I am inching little by little into the fight. By the end of the week I am throwing my name in the hat to run against a local city councilman that has held his seat since 1988 and bring a new perspective of Voluntaryism to my local government.

Much appreciation for your comment brother and good work on stepping up to the plate. I wish you every success.

Thank you Max you are a huge inspiration. Thank you for being a warrior for so long and bringing your light to the world.

People talk about awakenings in different manners, but when it comes to the loss of self I'm not seeing much change. I thank you most prominently for your care in your articles and shows Max.

Many thanks azension

In lak'ech ala k'in, my brother, @maxigan. I will come back to dig in deeper to your post and share more tomorrow, as I just learned of the passing of Maestra Olivia Arévalo a great grandmother healer and must spend some time offline this evening. https://templeofthewayoflight.org/tragedy-in-pucallpa-the-death-of-maestra-olivia-arevalo/ Many Blessings

Yes I know, I was very upset to hear of what transpired

you have narrated the current situation in your article in a unique style . what you said is so true :)

many thanks for taking the time to read learner

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