Achievement 3 by @mazharmalik task Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Greetings, Steemians!

I hope you are all doing well by God's grace and loving your lives to the fullest. I'm good as well. Following the effective verification of achievement 2, I will discuss achievement 3, which is about plagiarism. I hope that after reading my post, you will gain awareness as well as a source of good content for newcomers who have recently joined the group.


What is plagiarism?

The word plagiarism has come from the Latin word ‘plagiarius,’ which means to kidnap. As the plagiarism definition suggests,

when someone uses the work of another artist without properly citing the source or giving credit, then that will be an instance of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a punishable offense, and it is a form of intellectual theft.

It is effortless to plagiarise any content or article from the website, but at the same time, it has grave consequences. Plagiarism can affect someone’s career adversely. The student often uses parts of an article in his project without crediting the source, therefore, committing plagiarism. The teachers must warn the students about plagiarism.

If the student is changing the word order or summarising the work or using exact lines from a text without using quotation marks or citing the source, that is not crediting the source correctly, then it will be considered plagiarism.

However, reusing a previous work or parts of it without the professor also comes under plagiarism. It is called self-plagiarism, and if the teacher finds an instance of self-plagiarism, then the student may end up with a poor grade.

Plagiarism is applicable for writing or website articles, but it is also applicable in stealing intellectual property like music, images, videos, and even choreography of a dance.

Plagiarism can fail a piece of work trying to serve its primary purpose. While artwork or writing is considered successful if it reaches the audience, plagiarism takes away the credibility of the work, and the artist or writer’s message fails to reach the audience. Therefore, the students or artists must not plagiarise, neither deliberately nor accidentally.

Types of plagiarism

Considering the pattern, plagiarism can be of different types.
They are:

  • Direct Plagiarism
  • Mosaic Plagiarism
  • Accidental plagiarism
  • Self-plagiarism
    Paraphrasing plagiarism
    Self-plagiarism and mosaic plagiarism are the two most common forms

How to aviode Plagrism

Follow these four steps to ensure your paper is free from plagiarism

  • Keep track of the sources you consult in your research.
  • Paraphrase or quote from your sources (and add your own ideas).
  • Credit the original author in an in-text citation and reference list.
  • Use a plagiarism checker before you submit.


Keep track of your sources

While you’re doing research and taking notes for your paper, make sure to record the source of each piece of information. One way that students commit plagiarism is by simply forgetting where an idea came from and unintentionally presenting it as their own.

Quote and paraphrase

While writing your paper, if you want to share an idea or a piece of information from a source, you must either paraphrase or quote the original text.

Cite the original source

Every time you quote or paraphrase, you must include an in-text citation (or footnote citation) that identifies the original author. It often also includes the publication year and a page number.

Use a plagiarism checker

Most universities use plagiarism checkers to detect plagiarism in student papers. This technology scans your document, compares it to a huge database of publications and websites, and highlights passages that are overly similar to other ***
"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

Thank you for visiting my post.

Special mentions to the:



Please put a remarks,
"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them" at the end of this task post.

Right ,i do it...

Sir i have edited this post according to terms and rules !
So plz verify my achievment #3

Curators Note :3

Hello @mazharmalik,

Congratulations! You have passed this Achievement You may now proceed to the next achievement task following the article.

For more updates, keep following @steemitblog.

Best Regards!!!

 3 years ago (edited)

Plz label and verify my achievement 3 @boss75

 3 years ago 

Hi, @mazharmalik,

Your post has been supported by @tarpan from the Steem Greeter Team.

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