Rare but priceless marriage advice
My child, in the event that you continue spending on a lady and she never inquired as to whether you're sparing or contributing, and she continues getting a charge out of the consideration, don't wed her.
My child, a lady could be a decent spouse to you, some could be a decent mother to your kids yet in the event that you've discovered a lady like a mother to you, your kids and your family, kindly don't release her.
My child, don't keep the situation of your significant other to the kitchen, where did you get that from? Indeed, even in our days, we had cultivate lands where they worked each morning . . . that was our office.
My child, on the off chance that I disclose to you that you're the leader of the house, don't take a gander at your pocket; look in the event that you will see a grin on your significant other's face.
My child, on the off chance that you need to have a long life, let your significant other be accountable for your compensation, it will be troublesome for her to spend it when she's mindful of the home needs and bills to pay yet in the event that it's in your care, she will keep you asking notwithstanding when all has been spent.
My child, absolutely never beat your lady, the agony in her body is not something to be contrasted with the injury on her heart and that implies you might be in a bad position living with an injured lady.
My child, now that you're hitched, on the off chance that you carry on with a lone ranger sort of existence with your significant other, you will soon be single once more.
My child, in our days, we had numerous spouses and numerous youngsters as a result of our extensive homestead lands and numerous harvests, there are not really any land for cultivating any longer, so grasp your lady intently.
My child, under the cocoa tree that I met your mom could be your diners and eateries of these days, yet recollect, the wardrobe thing we did there was to grasp each other.
My child, don't be diverted when you begin profiting, rather than spending on those modest legs that never knew how hard you attempted to get it, spend it on that lady that remained by all of you along.
My child, when I tossed little stones or shrieked at the window of your mom father's home, to get her out, it was not for sex, it was on the grounds that I missed her to such an extent.
My child, recall, when you say your better half has changed, there could be something you've quit doing as well.
My child, your mom, Asake rode the bike with me before I purchased that tortoise auto outside there, any lady that won't persevere with you in your small start ought not make the most of your wealth.
My child, don't contrast your significant other with any lady, there are ways she's persisting you as well and has she at any point contrasted you with any man?
My child, there is this thing you individuals call women's liberation, well, if a lady claim to have measure up to appropriate with you in the house, partition every one of the bills into two equivalent amounts of, take one section and request that her begin paying the other part.
My child, I met your mom a virgin and I took more yams to her dad, in the event that you don't meet your better half a virgin, don't point the finger at her, what I didn't let you know is that our ladies had distinction.
My child, I didn't send your sisters to class since I was silly similar to numerous to figure a female kid won't broaden my family name, kindly don't commit that error, the sort of female achievers I see these days has made the male-sex a customary tag.
My child, your mom have once bolted up the material I was wearing and nearly tore it since she was furious, I didn't raise my hand to beat her due to a day like this, with the goal that I can be glad to reveal to you that I never for once beat your mom.
My child, in our days, our ladies had a greater amount of regular excellence, however I wouldn't deceive you, some had minor painting of their epithet for the most part on their arms, the ones you individuals presently call tattoo, yet bear in mind that they didn't uncover any piece of their body like your ladies of these days.
My child, your mom and I are not keen on what occurs in your marriage, attempt to deal with issues without continually coming to us.
My child, recollect that I purchased your mom's first sewing machine for her, enable your better half to accomplish her fantasies similarly as you're seeking after yours.
My child, don't quit dealing with me and your mom, it's a mystery of developing old and having kids to deal with you as well.
My child, ask with your family, there is a tomorrow you don't have the foggiest idea, converse with God that knows everything, ordinary.