Guinea pig Rohingya people!
In the light of past experience, the government of Bangladesh may have assumed that Rohingyas have no other way to return to their homeland. We have also believed it sincerely. Myanmar has also said that they are Bengali immigrants from Bangladesh; So, the Rohingyas have no question of Burmese citizenship! The world's super powers praise the humanity of Bangladesh, sending relief, giving money, but after keeping the puddle of justice in Myanmar cautious!
In such a situation, the government of Bangladesh is planning to develop the new awakened land of Chhanga or Bhasanarcha National Island in Noakhali for living Rohingya!
In the previous session, the detention of indigenous people of India was given the highest punishment for Andaman-Nicobar Island. A lot of fairy tales like 'Thakur Maa' hanging! It is better to ensure the opportunity to sacrifice people in their own right than to keep people trapped in an island. But there is absolutely nothing to be said about the oppressed Rohingya people on the forehead. We have killed the 'humanity' Guilotine!
It is imperative for the Rohingya refugees to visit this country on the eve of the coming day, Bangladesh has made a great mistake by entering into 4.5 million Rohingya refugees in their country. Depending on how it is possible to count on us in the future, the correct history of mistakes will be calculated.
It was only a catalyst for the Rohingyas to get rid of the paternity that the Burmese army gave to terrorists. Could not be a relief for the oppressed nation! What would have been, if Bangladesh kept sealing its border? One Rohingyas did not enter Bangladesh? A large number of Rohingya people died? Nine women would have been raped? Thinking about who is going to break the bar of humanity, the book is going to be overwhelmed. Pakistani army officers and their teammates did not do with the Bengali people! Three million people were martyred. Four lakh mother-sister estates looted. In front of the mother, her child was hit by the child. The daughter has been raped in front of her father. Taking out the intellectuals and lifting the eyes of the living man, they were filled with sack. Who did this? Our Muslim brother! In comparison to what Rakhain has done, it will be able to match at a comparatively price. In our seven crore Bengalis, there were one and a half refugees, but the rest of them fought against the barbarous and brutal army of Pakistan from the country.
On the other hand, 10 lakhs of 14 lakh people of Rohingyas are now advertised in Bangladesh. Those who are no longer likely to return to their home.
Think once, could the Burmese army kill 4.5 lakh people who came here? For the sake of argument, if they killed half the Rohingya people in the history of one of the worst genocide in history, the other people could have breathed a sigh of relief in their motherland.
I think we have robbed the Rohingyas and their mentality to fight them. We have made a stranger looking for independence. Displaced them for life. With the Rohingyas, we have protected some of the most vicious terrorist groups in life.
Some say that if the border for the Rohingyas did not open, the government's situation would have been shaky due to the pressure of the reaction of the reactionaries of the country. But what is good for the country to protect Myanmar's trapped humanitarian war? It will be a day of devastating and calamitous warfare, even by throwing a bomber or a mijile warfare!
These people will now live in a captive life. And our economy will play twelve times to keep them alive with food and security! It will be assured that there will be more diverse crises ahead!
In order to show the humanity in order to keep the voting market we first harmed the endangered people. It will not be possible for us to ensure human rights, especially education, health, housing and food.
Secondly, Bangladesh is at risk of security at all. Rumors about the Rohingyas and the economic and social abilities of the emerging Bangladeshi people playing the twilight also were given opportunity. Is not it better than this, since Myanmar's responsibility to the Rohingya people, if they had the opportunity to get rid of them? Get the opportunity to negotiate? Where the blood is not spilled, the country matched?
On the island
Hey @mdnafis, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)
thnx buddy for appreciation