Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-29 || Draw a Date Fruit.

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago (edited)

Hello Everyone I am @medul
From #Bangladesh


Photo capture by techno Spark 10 Pro

Assalamu Alaikum, everyone.Hope everyone is well. By God's grace I am fine too.Today I am going to share with you a date fruit drawing on STEEMIT platform.Steem for pakistan community moderator @enamul17 organized this competition among us. Before starting this contest I would like to thank the moderators and admins. Would like to thank @enamul17 brother for organizing such a beautiful competition between us.He gave us some questions and a drwing competition.Let's start today's competition.

✅ Draw creatively and share your art skills with us.
  • creative and present us our drawing through at least 5 steps.

Presented to you my drawing through at least five steps.

Drawing tools 👇🏾
  • Pencil
  • Scale
  • Eraser
  • Pencil cutter
  • Art paper
  • Color pencil box
Every step of painting

Step 1,

To start drawing, take an art paper with all the drawing tools.


Step 2,

Then draw some dates on the left side of the paper.


Step 3,

Then add some more dates to the date on the left side. Draw another palm knife on the right side.


Step 4,

Then draw some dates in a bowl under the left side and right side dates.


Step 5,

Then I started painting dates on dates.


Step 6,

Then one by one, paint the entire palm. And finally paint the palm bowl. And finally complete the palm painting.

Final look

When the painting is complete I take a selfie with my painting.

My selfie with my drawing
✅ Are you familiar with this fruit? Is this fruit available in your country? Have you eaten this fruit yet? How much is it worth in your area? (Include steem prices with your country prices.)

Yes, I am very familiar with this date fruit. Dates are a very nutritious fruit. Dates are available throughout the year in our area. Also, native dates are available in the house yards of our village area. Dates from foreign countries are always available especially in our market. Many types of dates are available in our area. Now the month of Ramadan is going on so dates are eaten every day during Iftar. And dates are delicious fruits. It is very beneficial for the body. I like dates very much. Different types of dates are available in the market. Which are becoming affordable gradually. Fordable. It is found that the price of dates is 500 rupees per kg. Which is currently 15.625 on our Steam.

namebd pricesteem price
Date fruit50015.625

Hope you have read and viewed my post carefully from start to finish. Hope you like my drawing. Everyone stay well stay healthy.

I am inviting three of my friends to participate this contest.

I am inviting @sagorkhan01 @shahariar1 @asifhasan

Thanks for reading my post

Photographer details

Photography Device nameTecno Spark 10 pro
Photoshoot Date27/03/2024
Photoshoot locationMeherpur, Bangladesh
Photo click by@medul

Blue and White Minimalist Business Consultant LinkedIn Background Photo.gif

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.031
BTC 67790.81
ETH 3815.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.51