The Long Bank

in #life7 years ago


Banks. Damn them and their stupendous stranglehold on us all!

A tad dramatic perhaps but hot damn they are infuriating!!

So there I find myself, standing in a looong queue at lunchtime. My belly growling like a caged beast for food but no, I had the pleasure of being forced to sup at the fetid teat of my local bank.


It was a combination of circumstances. A repair that needed done to the house which had been left so long that the estimate for fixing it was growing arms like a demented octopus. I had had my chummy builder man out who had given an estimate. He obviously saw my face whiten slightly at the cost and leaned forward conspiratorially.

For cash I can take 200 aff it.

He gave me a knowing blokey look. I did my best to look manly and return said look however I suspected I looked like a stoned nodding dog.

Cool mate. I mumbled looking at the offending piece of roof and stroking my chin meditatively.

So there I was, in the queue at the bank because I needed the princely sum of 400 earthen pounds. The ATM outside was no use as the daily limit was 350.

Eventually, I step up to the counter. A bright eyed boy the size of my thumb breezily stated that he was sorry to have kept me waiting and enquired as to how he could help me.

I whacked my card on the counter and confidently boomed. 'Can I withdraw 400 pounds from my account please.'

Of course beamed the bank rat taking my card and swiping it through some antique plastic box.

Some moments passed as the computer attempted to process my request. The little chap looked up from his screen.


'Ah,' thought I? What the fuck squirrel face. I am on my lunch. Hurry this shit up.

Did you withdraw the maximum from the ATM? He enquired rather cheerfully.

I responded with a slightly annoyed 'No.'


He then explained to me that I would have to withdraw the maximum from the ATM then come in and withdraw the extra.

We stared at each other. I raised an eyebrow slowly to its fearful maximum, fully intending to brute force him into submission. Nothing, he seemed immune.


Then we had a short and terse discussion on how silly that would be. The end result being that he said it was policy and that there was nothing he could do. In fact his hands were tied.

Having been in nonsensical situations with these kinds of people before I humphed loudly and trotted off outside.

There was a queue, it seems that in the sun the people of Glasgow like to queue in and around Bank's to fully enjoy the ambience of the good weather.

Eventually I got to the ATM, took my money and wen't back into the bank to queue once more.

Any thoughts of lunch had disappeared with the time it all took and my stomach struggled to escape the confines of my body and eat someone.


I reached the head of the queue and was called, this time by a different cashier. I handed over my card and explained that I would like to withdraw 50 pounds and had already maxed out the ATM.

She looked puzzled and in an ever so slightly perplexed tone said.

Oh goodness, there was no need for that. You could have just came in and taken it all out at once here?

I looked for the hidden cameras, obviously filming me for some kind of jape.

There were none.


Haha, he is hilarious! And spot on about the lunch thing!!

@meesterboom damn 1st teller - did he skip his lunch and made up that policy thing? stupid idiotic policy yeah that's redundant lol .. not a fan of banks here .. learned from the Japs ;)
did you at least get to have lunch man?

No!! I had to grab a quick coffee and drunk at my desk belly rumbling all afternoon!!!

@meesterboom shoot .. that sucks

Ach, I know but I ain't a huge lunch man anyway, I had a giant dinner to make up for it instead!!!

@meesterboom good to know!
damn teller haha

This is hilarious!!

Cheers, glad you like!

Perfect placement!

Why on Earth does any one use a bank, Im with a building society and never get any of this stupid crap. Why? Cos' as a mutual society in my relationship with the Building Society, I'm a flippin' owner, thats why.
Its not crypto, but it better than a bank any day of the week.

I should really switch, I go inside so rarely that I stuck with the one that had the best app!

"fetid teat of my local bank." That is the funniest thing I have heard all week. I wish I could give you more up-votes.

Why thank you!! I quite enjoyed writing that one myself!!

I'm off to suckle at the fetid teat of my local bank. Wish me luck!

Good luck with those bleepers!!!

There is NOTHING I don't hate about my bank. It won't help to change as I expect to hate equally.

That's exactly what I think. Every one would be as bad as the other!

Where i live the banks(my bank) just don't have bare money anymore!
You can't change notes, you can't bring in metal money.
You pay 3 Euro's monthly for having an account.
And interest is nearing negative.
What a perspective!

Ouch, that's terrible!! They are trying to bring in charges for using accounts here but I avoid them, successful so far!!

Holy flip, you were there??!! :0)

I have been there. Though your description sounded like a Candid Camera clip... and sure enough youtube did not fail, there was such a clip.

It's a fine clip, his face is priceless!

That makes absolutely no sense at all LOL

I know, it seemed stupid and then in the end it turned out to be. I am still wondering if it was deliberate!!

Another day, more bank bullshit. will it ever end?

I would love to think that it will buy I suspect it will be a long time

We just need to get enough people out of their rotten system to make it collapse so we can rebuild it.

And that is where we can hope that crypto can help us on the way!


Seriously?! I really want to take his head cleanly aff!!!

Are you even certain the first cashier worked there? I had such a completely different comment before I read the ending!! In a way, I too was forced to go out to the ATM and come back only to ... wait no, that's completely different.

Who even makes a policy that you have to max out your ATM withdrawal first?? For the love of all that is good and holy, that's why the person went to the counter instead, because the amount exceeds the maximum in the ATM!!!

Man, the adoption of cryptocurrency couldn't come too soon. That'll teach those banks! They would be useless in a crypto world!!

I know! All of those things and more were racing through my head. We had quite the pointless little discussion over the whys and wherefores and he was not fit for budging an inch and all the while I could feel the queue behind me growing restless. In the end it may have bee the fear of them lynching me that made me flee outside to take my alloted amount from the ATM!

Crypto will win! And we will all be better off for it!

love the head exploding GIF!

Maybe if you calmly asked the queue if the policy makes any sense they would've lynched the cashier instead haha! I ate lunch thinking about it, and it just didn't add up for me.

You got lunch!! ITs funny though, when there is a queue anyone appearing to hold it up even more is tutted at even if they have a genuine complaint!

Either that or we are all to brow beaten to do anything!

I must say that I'm guilty of it some times as well, but that's because when I'm on the counter I'm always fussy about not holding up the line haha! There must be a more effective method to queue people. Perhaps virtual reality will solve it. No need to even physically queue up!

Its worse now because they closed down a lot of the branches for some rubbish reason, its really to save money but they claim its to improve the customer experience. Now everybody has to go to the large central one and queue for ages!

Hmm me thinks they closed some branches because of their dank policy/foolish employees. Am I wrong??

You are right!!

What a story! This would win a competition. Who are you really? What is your profession in real life, if I may ask.

Hehe, I am but a humble software tester! I thank you for the compliment, I have always enjoyed a bit of writing!!

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